What is a Cause and Effect Essay? 2021 Guide

What is a cause and effect essay?

It's time to learn how to write a cause and effect essay. A good paper should have an interesting topic, richly illustrated with evidence from the relevant sources. In this article we will discuss what a cause and effect essay is, outline its elements, and explain how to start writing one.You can find this cheap essay writing service and it will do your work. But let's first take a look on the meaning of these terms:

Cause is an event or condition (which may include human behavior) that has the power to make something else happen, especially in the form of another event or condition called an Effect . So Cause-Effect Essay is an argumentative/persuasive written work where you need to prove your point by using examples from your sources.

This kind of writing is widely used in academic papers and business reports and in most cases, it explains how a particular action brings about certain effects. In addition, the cause-effect essay includes recommendations on how to avoid problems or improve them, depending on the circumstances.

Elements of Cause and Effect Essay

There is no standard structure or formula for this type of essay; however, it should contain at least 5 elements:

Introduction – A good cause-effect essay should have an introduction that contains information about the nature and purpose of your topic (e.g., pollution in our cities). The introduction can also provide background information about related research or discuss some controversial questions regarding the topic being discussed. Main body – This part is where you need to present your evidence and arguments. It is recommended that the main body be divided into sections, each of which deals with one aspect or problem of your topic (e.g., children's health issues). Conclusion – Usually, conclusions are rather short; however, if the paper has 10-12 pages, a writer may use some concluding sentences to sum up his ideas. Obviously, all necessary evidence should be repeated in this part as well. References - You may also include some references from related sources at the end of your essay.

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There are no strict rules for how many paragraphs a cause-effect essay should have; however, five paragraphs may be just enough for an undergraduate student whose assignment requires him/her to talk about his sources and present a couple of examples.

Let's take a look on the main elements that are essential for your cause-effect essay:

Title – Simply put, this is the heading or title of your paper. The purpose of the title is to attract attention and make it possible for your readers to decide whether they want to continue reading your work or not. Introduction – This is where you provide background information about related research, discuss some controversial questions regarding the topic being discussed (e.g., how effective vaccines are), etc. In addition, you need to write down exactly what kind of evidence and arguments you will use in order to support your point. Main body – This part includes relevant opinions from other sources or any information that might be useful for proving your point. Conclusion – Usually, conclusions are rather short; however, if the paper has 10-12 pages, a writer may use some concluding sentences to sum up his ideas. References - A good cause and effect essay should include references from related sources at the end of your work.

In addition, there are some points you should remember while writing this type of essay:

Use accurate statistics or other reliable data when discussing facts (e.g., crime rates in our countries). Make sure to avoid using emotional words or personal opinions when presenting your evidence. Try not to talk about controversial issues (e.g., abortion) without being familiar with both sides of the story first (e.g., pro-life supporters and pro-choice advocates). Make sure to avoid using examples that are easily refutable (e.g., "our best teachers") or controversial (e.g., numbers from the Internet) if you really want to persuade your readers. You can always take help from this free essay writing service for your essays.



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