Global 9 & US History Grading Policy/Assessment

Grading Policy:  Students will be assessed each marking period based on their performance on exams, quizes and their successful completion of classwork, homework and writing assignments.

  1. Exams=40% of grade each marking period
  • Exams will be administered at the middle and end of each unit.  Hence, there will be two exams given per unit.  There will always be at LEAST 2 days notice given prior to an exam being given.  Exam dates will always be posted on this website.

    2.  Quizes=30% of grade each marking period

  • A quiz will be given almost every week on the most current material covered.  A quiz will ALWAYS be announced the day before and posted on the website.

    3.  Classwork/Homework=10% of grade each marking period

  • Classwork is often checked and/or collected to demonstrate meaningful participation in class activities.  Individual and group grades are assigned.  Homework assignments are given at least once-twice per week.  HW assignments and due dates are always posted on this website under "Global 9 Assignment Page".

    4.  Thematic/DBQ Essays=20% of grade per marking period

  • Students will be required to learn & utilize a format for the effective writing of Thematic & DBQ (Document-Based Question) Essays.  Global 9 students will write one Thematic and one DBQ per quarter to gain an understanding of high-school level writing and what is required for the Regents examination.  US History students will write a Thematic Essay per quarter and a DBQ each semester.  The requirements/format for Thematic/DBQ essay writing is provided in this website for reference.