Accelerated Reader

The AR program is
a mandatory and important
part of 3rd grade Language Arts. It is NOT optional.
All 3rd grade students should constantly have an AR book
going and should be actively
working toward their current AR goal. 

AR is 20% of the total reading grade in my class. If a student meets their 6-week goal, it will go into the gradebook as 100%. If they reach half their 6-week goal, they will receive 50% in the gradebook. So... even if they don't meet their full AR goal, it is worthwhile to try their best to get as many points as they can. 
Be sure to check in with your child to make sure they are currently reading
an AR book. Many students may stay at zero points, reflecting that they are
not reading, or they are taking but not passing the quizzes.
Each of the books they read have points assigned to them based on the
difficulty of the book. If you would like to know how many AR points a book
is worth or if a book you own is an AR book, please use this website:

Note: I have over 900 books in my personal classroom library, so there is NO reason students should not be able to find a book they want

to read for AR.