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» This is a link to the Unit Plan Overview

Assignment 1

Students will learn and write about what it means to compromise and why compromise was important in the founding of our United States.

Government 1(E) examine debates and compromises that impacted the creation of the founding documents; and 6(D):  evaluate constitutional provisions for limiting the role of government, including republicanism, checks and balances, federalism, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, and individual rights   



» This is a link to my recommended digital resources

Assignment 2


» This is a link to my Digital Story over compromise.

Assignment 3

Students will learn about and evaluate the usefullness and necessity of compromise.

Government 1(E) examine debates and compromises that impacted the creation of the founding documents




» This link is to my unit plan on Constitutional Compromises

Assignment 4 

Students will learn about and evaluate the Constitution and the compromises necessary for its creation.

Government 1(E) examine debates and compromises that impacted the creation of the founding documents; and 6(D):  evaluate constitutional provisions for limiting the role of government, including republicanism, checks and balances, federalism, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, and individual rights   


» This is a basic virtual reality lesson on the compromise where students will explore the American Museum of Natural History. They will consider natural resource conservation and the compromises necessary in order to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of compromises.

VR Lesson Plan

Students will learn about some of the challenges faced in writting and implementing the Constitution.

Government 1(E) examine debates and compromises that impacted the creation of the founding documents; and 6(D):  evaluate constitutional provisions for limiting the role of government, including republicanism, checks and balances, federalism, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, and individual rights   




» This is basic lesson plan for a game and simulation lesson where students will learn about the Constitution via the website Brain-POP. Students will watch  a video, play a game and take a quiz on the Constitution and what it took to write the it.

Game and Simulation Lesson Plan

Government 1(E) examine debates and compromises that impacted the creation of the founding documents; and 6(D):  evaluate constitutional provisions for limiting the role of government, including republicanism, checks and balances, federalism, separation of powers, popular sovereignty, and individual rights   


» This is a link to a Thinglink that I made regarding the Declaration of Independence.
In keeping with the topic of Compromises, the Declaration also had some compromises.


Government 1(E) examine debates and compromises that impacted the creation of the founding documents;


» These are two BrainPOPs that I like that cover the Constitutional Convention(1) and the Compromises that gave us our Constitution (2).

Constitutional Convention

The U.S. Constitution