Tuning In Part 2

? Let's find out more ?


Can you sort the rubbish?

Click on the link below to play a game of sort the rubbish. Do you know what items can be recycled?



Time to reflect!                                                                             Image result for sorting rubbish games


  • What did you think about that game? Did it teach you about recycling?

Discuss with your partners and write down on a piece of paper or Google Docs your answers. 


We will come together on the floor to discuss your thoughts. This time will be used to explore how people can get confused with what materials can or cannot be recycled. 

Image result for class discussion icon


Types of waste!

  • As a class, we will read 'What a Waste, Rubbish, Recycling, and Protecting our Planet' by Jess French. 

This book discusses waste and how it is impacting our planet. It also mentions the different types of waste that exists and how we can change the way we recycle.



If you think of questions about waste or recycling, you may write them down while listening to the story. 








Image result for posters on waste














You may create a physical or digital poster to include in your video advertisements.

  • Pick a type of waste you would like to learn more about. For example Organic waste. 


Guiding questions could be:

 What is organic waste?                How does it affect the environment?                 How do people manage this waste?



These posters can be used as scripts for your upcoming video advertisements. 

If you are unsure of what type of waste you want your program to be based on then you can use guiding questions such as:


What is waste?               How does it affect the environment?                   How do people manage waste?



What is recycling?             How does recycling affect the environment?                      How do people recycle?




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