Technology Management

                                    Image result for digital citizenship rules


Video:Super Digital Citizen

(Click the title above to see video)


Digital Citizenship Pledge for Students


Image result for digital citizenship pledge




















What we do online not only effects us but others and the world around us!

Rings of Responsinility Video:


Oversharing/Digital Citizenship: Song Video!




Image result for digital citizenship rules




URL links:




Classroom Technology Rules and Policies

Classroom Technology Contract In order to protect all students and classroom technology, students need to follow some important rules and procedures. The choice of a student to violate these requirements will result in that student not being allowed to use any technology for the rest of the school year.

Image result for digital citizenship contract for students and parents



Aris. (2016). Going 1:1 with technology. Retrieved from; 

Common Sense Education. (2015). Super digital citizen. Retrieved from;

Common Sense Education. (2018). Rings of reponsibility. Retrieved from;

Elm Grove Elementary School. (2002-2019). Digital citizenship. Retrieved from;

Kids Learning Tube. (2016). Oversharing/digital citizen. Retrieved from;