

Week of 05/20 - 06/01


Week of 4/29- 5/o4

Chapter 14 



Week of 4/02-4/13




Week of 3/26-3/30


Week of 3/12-3/22

Take a look at the calendar.  There are 4 school days left in this marking period.  Make sure you are up-to- date with any past due assignments.  We will finish up the nine weeks by exploring the Westward Expansion beginning with the Louisiana Purchase and the Lewis and Clark expedition.

I will be assigning 2 books on to be graded this marking period.  You'll have plenty of time to complete in class if you use your time wisely. 






Week of 2/12- 2/16

We will continue with the viewing of Rememebr the Titans.  We we will have guiding questions for a class  discussion.

This is more than just a movie about football.  We will analyze it for its underlying messages and themes:

Overcoming prejudices  


Team bonding

Leadership Styles 

Overcoming adversity

February- African American History Month

Black History Month is observed each February in the United States of America as a time of special awareness of African Americans’ contributions to the nation throughout its history. We will focus on pivotal events and individuals related to African American history.  

Read this to refresh your memory:

Causes of the Civil War History 

Civil War

There are many causes that led to the American Civil War. While slavery is generally cited as the main cause for the war, other political and cultural differences between the North and the South certainly contributed. Below we will discuss some of these differences and how they created a divide between the North and the South that eventually caused the Civil War.

Industry vs. Farming In the mid-1800s, the economies of many northern states had moved away from farming to industry. A lot of people in the North worked and lived in large cities like New York, Philadelphia, and Boston. The southern states, however, had maintained a large farming economy and this economy was based on slave labor. While the North no longer needed slaves, the South relied heavily upon slaves for their way of life.

States' Rights The idea of states' rights was not new to the Civil War. Since the Constitution was first written there had been arguments about how much power the states should have versus how much power the federal government should have. The southern states felt that the federal government was taking away their rights and powers. Expansion As the United States continued to expand westward, each new state added to the country shifted the power between the North and the South. Southern states began to fear they would lose so much power that they would lose all their rights. Each new state became a battleground between the two sides for power.

Slavery At the heart of much of the South's issues was slavery. The South relied on slavery for labor to work the fields. Many people in the North believed that slavery was wrong and evil. These people were called abolitionists. They wanted slavery made illegal throughout the United States. Abolitionists such as John Brown, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and Harriet Beecher Stowe began to convince more and more people of the evil of slavery. This made the South fearful that their way of life would come to an end. Bleeding Kansas The first fighting over the slavery issue took place in Kansas. In 1854, the government passed the Kansas-Nebraska Act allowing the residents of Kansas to vote on whether they would be a slave state or a free state. The region was flooded with supporters from both sides. They fought over the issue for years. Several people were killed in small skirmishes giving the confrontation the name Bleeding Kansas. Eventually Kansas entered the Union as a free state in 1861.

Abraham Lincoln The final straw for the South was election of Abraham Lincoln to President of the United States. Abraham Lincoln was a member of the new anti-slavery Republican Party. He managed to get elected without even being on the ballot in ten of the southern states. The southern states felt that Lincoln was against slavery and also against the South.

Secession When Lincoln was elected, many of the southern states decided they no longer wanted to be a part of the United States. They felt that they had every right to leave. Starting with South Carolina, eleven states would eventually leave the United States and form a new country called the Confederate States of America. Abraham Lincoln said they did not have the right to leave the United States and sent in troops to stop the South from leaving. The Civil War had begun. 


Week ending 1/19

We'll be starting Chapter 6.  


The Revolutionary War: 1775–1783



1775 Battle of Lexington and Concord Second Continental Congress convenes

1776 Jefferson writes Declaration of Independence

1777 Battle of Saratoga  Convinced France to join the war 

1778 France and United States form Franco-American Alliance

1779 Spain enters war against Britain

1781 British forces under Cornwallis surrender to Washington at Yorktown

1783 Peace of Paris signed to end war


George Washington -  Commander of the Continental army

Lord Charles Cornwallis -  Commander of British forces that surrendered at Yorktown



Week of 12/18- 12/22

Chapter 5  Test- Periods 2 and 4 , we have to wrap up lessons 3 and 4  on Monday.  The test will be on Wednesday.

Periods 5 and 7 the test will be on Tuesday.


On April 19, 1775, minutemen and militia faced off with British regulars at the North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts. This day would turn out to be the “spark” that ignited the American Revolution.

On April 19, 1775, minutemen and militia faced off with British regulars at the North Bridge in Concord, Massachusetts. This day would turn out to be the “spark” that ignited the American Revolution.









Week of 11/27 -12/1


Familiarize yourselves with these terms.

Watch this video to reinforce what you know.


Click on the link above to access the PowerPoint in order to complete your doodle notes.   :)

2nd 9 WEEKS
This novel is available on myON which you can access through your student portal.
I'll be assigning chapter questions throughout the 2nd 9 weeks

We'll be covering the following topics:


  •  Patriots and Loyalists
  •   American and British Strengths and Weaknesses
  •   Events of the Revolution, Key Individuals
  •   Treaty of Paris 1783



  • Articles of Confederation 1777
  • Settlement of the Northwest Territory
  • Shays Rebellion 1786
  • Constitutional Convention of 1787
  • British/European Influence
  • Fundamental Principles
  • The Constitution
  • Federalists v. Antifederalists
  •    Ratification of U.S. Constitution -  1789



  • The Bill of Rights – 1791
  • George Washington – Beliefs, Traditions, Farwell Address
  •    Organizing the Government
  •    Hamilton’s Plan for the Economy
  •   �Emergence of Political Parties
  •    Adam's Presidency



  • Election of Thomas Jefferson 1800
  • Louisiana Purchase
  • Lewis and Clark Expedition
  • Election of James Madison 1808
  • War of 1812, Treaty of Ghent  - 1814




WEEK of 10/23- 10/27

CHAPTER 4 Life in the American Colonies





Week of 10/09-10/13

Chapter 3: Colonial America

Lesson 1 Roanoke and Jamestown

• England set out to colonize North America in the late 1500s. Sir Walter

Raleigh twice sent settlers to Roanoke Island off the coast of what is

now North Carolina. John White led the second group.

• White returned to England for supplies. By the time he arrived back to

Roanoke, the colonists had disappeared.

• England’s next attempt at establishing a colony was at Jamestown in

Virginia. Jamestown was settled in 1607.

• Jamestown’s leader was Captain John Smith. He forced settlers to

work. He built ties with the Powhatan people and their leader, also

named Powhatan. Jamestown thrived when it began growing tobacco.

• Many more English settlers came to Virginia. The Virginia House

of Burgesses was the first legislature in North America elected

by the people.


Week of 10/2-10/6 

Chapter 2 Test


❑ technology ❑ compass ❑ strait ❑ circumnavigate ❑ conquistador ❑ immunity ❑ pueblo ❑ mission ❑ presidio ❑ plantation

❑ Reformation ❑ Protestantism ❑ armada ❑ northwest passage ❑ tenant farmer 


❑ Christopher Columbus ❑ Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand ❑ Amerigo Vespucci ❑ Ferdinand Magellan

❑ The Columbian Exchange  ❑ Hernan Cortes  ❑ Francisco Pizarro  ❑ Juan Ponce de Leon  ❑ Jean Ribault 

❑ Pedro Menendez de Aviles ❑ St. Augustine ❑ Martin Luther ❑ Henry Hudson ❑ Louis Joliet and Jacques Marquette

❑ Robert Cavelier de La Salle 


Week of 09/18- 09/22

Click on this link for help with the Explorers Fact Sheet.





Week 3 & 4

Chapter 2 Summary

Exploring The AmericasExploring The Americas

Lesson 1  The Growth of Trade


  • During the 1400s, the European countries of Spain and Portugal competed to find a sea route to the Indies, islands southeast of Asia. Spices found there were used to preserve food, as medicine, and for flavoring. They were very valuable.
  • Instruments had been invented that helped sailors to navigate, including the compass, the astrolabe and the quadrant. New kinds of ships—the caravel and the carrack—were faster and more seaworthy.
  • In 1492, Christopher Columbus and his crew set out from Spain in three ships. On October 12, he landed in what he thought was the Indies, but was actually an island in the Caribbean. His success led to more exploration by Europeans.
  • European exploration of the Americas brought together two parts of the world that had never before been in contact. Unfamiliar plants and animals were shared. This sharing is known as the Columbian Exchange. New diseases also spread through the Columbian Exchange.

                   Lesson 2  Spain in America

Lesson 2  Spain in America

  • Spanish explorers, called conquistadors, conquered the Aztec Empire in Mexico and the Inca Empire in Peru. They shipped huge quantities of gold back to Spain.
  • One reason the Spanish were able to conquer the Aztec and the Inca was that the Europeans had horses, guns, and cannons. Another reason was that the Aztec and Inca had no immunity to European diseases. Greatly weakened by epidemics, they were less able to defend themselves.
  • Spain established many settlements in Florida, including St. Augustine and Tampa. France attempted to establish Fort Caroline on the St. Johns River, but the Spanish drove them out.
  • Spain explored the American Southwest searching for gold but found none.
  • Types of Spanish settlements in the Americas included presidios, pueblos, and missions. A class system developed in the Spanish empire. People who had been born in Spain were at the top of this social structure.


                   Lesson 3  Competing for Colonies

Lesson 3  Competing for Colonies

  • While Europeans were exploring the Americas in the 1500s, there was religious turmoil in Europe. The divisions in Europe were felt in the Americas. Catholics and Protestants both wanted to spread their faith to Native Americans in their American colonies.
  • The search for gold and the search for a northwest passage to Asia led to much exploration. The St. Lawrence River, Hudson Bay, and the Mississippi River were all explored in this way.
  • The French established estates along the St. Lawrence River. They were more respectful of Native Americans than other Europeans who explored the Americas.
  • In 1621, the Dutch set up a colony in North America, which became known as New Netherland. The center of new colony was New Amsterdam, located on the tip of Manhattan Island.


 Week of  08/21 - 09/1

Week 1 & 2   

By next Friday I expect to have completed Chapter 1 Thinking Like a Historian

Lesson 1: Thinking Like a Historian

class assignment and quiz 

Lesson 2: Studying Geography

class assignment and quiz

Lesson 3: Studying Economics

class assignment and quiz

Lesson 4: Civics and Government

class assignment and quiz


Remember that you can access the textbook online.  Please go over what we covered in class.


Review these terms for Chapter 1 Assessment





free enterprise


due process




market economy


opportunity cost



federal system





