
Car Crash Lab






9 LT- Patterns in the distance as

a result of force and angle = trajectory


We will watch Bill Nye Motion.

In your notebook,

record three applications of each of Newton's three laws of motion from the video.

In your journal label a page Newton's Catapult and determine the average mass of a Kraft stick, glue stick, three small one large rubber bands, one large, one projectile and the green and white cap options, record your data in your journal. With your partner, research possible designs, then make a sketch of your prototype catapult. You will work in groups of two at your table.

Your mission (Write this down in your journal): Construct the lightest possible catapult made from just the given materials to hit a 30 x 30 x 30 cm target with greater than 50% accuracy from a position on your lab desk. Your unsecured catapult MUST have a total mass less than 80 grams, including the projectile. Your cap, and rubber bands may NOT be glued to your catapult directly. (Tape interface works)

The four pieces of evidence of climate change and three laws of motion applied are your exit ticket

your read and investigate all websites

in the Storm the Castle Lab. After clicking

on the blue hyperlink, make a copy of it, and

rename it with your name in the title. When

done raise your hand and I will ask you

about what you read.

Storm the Castle websites



10 LT- Parabolas


Projectile Motion

Journal/Notebook are due TODAY for a small test grade. (10 points)\


Today: Log onto your computer, read and complete reading and websites for Storm the Castle Lab. Put your answers into your notebook grade cam bubble sheet, and highlight the answers in your lab. (Make a copy) We will come back to building your catapult Wednesday. (This lab will help a great deal with your future catapult construction.)



11 LT- Parabolas




Storm the Limestone Castle Lab

Objective-Newton's laws of Motion.

Log on to your computer and complete these sites in 25 minutes:

Projectile Motion(Play the one level)

Trajectory(Play the first 18)

Cannon Challenge(Blow up Crudlankistan)

Today: Log onto your computer, and complete reading and websites for Storm the Castle Lab Darn grade cam is messed up, time to go old school. (Click the period at the end of this sentence to check your lab answers.)


You have 20 minutes to investigate one or two sites from "Artillery 17" before we do the lab. Period. No, I mean click the other previous period with the arrow. ;-)

Storm the Limestone Castle Test for a grade




Galileo notes and Catapult construction Every piece should have a purpose.




13 LT- Vectors 2-D

Newton's Dark Secrets




We will talk about laws of motion using the Chair of Death, Wheel of Death and Jugs of Death and shoot for grades before we do each of the following sites in order starting with a quick review of balanced forces:




16 LT- Vectors 2-D

Wrap up

Newton's Dark Secrets

We will watch "Newton's dark secrets" and wrap it up Monday before we begin to build our catapults.

Things to answer BEFORE Monday;

What is the mass of my projected design?

How will I control velocity and angle?

How far are you from the target? (How far do you need to shoot?)

How far can my design shoot?

Please note-

Any designs with extra material, over mass or designs without a lack of controlling the amount or duration of force, will be rejected before building beings.

Image result for elliptical orbit animated gifImage result for elliptical orbit animated gif

17 LT- Newton's three laws of motion

Newton's Engineering "A" Catapult

Image result for popsicle catapult

18 LT- Newton's three laws of motion

Sci Method CER

Make New/better catapult.

Read the Build "A" Catapult handout. Complete it.


Control both the launch velocity and angle.


(You should be hitting it 2 out of 3 times today.)

Image result for popsicle catapultImage result for popsicle catapult


Sci Method CER

Make New/better catapult.

Read the Build "A" Catapult handout. Complete it.

Control both the launch velocity and angle.

(You should be hitting it 4 out of 5 times today.)

20 LT- Newton's three laws of motion MS-PS2-2.

Log onto your computer, then move to the lab desks.

Complete Newton's Engineering "A" Catapult handout to turn in at the end of the hour.

Draw, label your final "frozen" design in journal and on back of Newton's Engineering "A" Catapult.

In your journal record your data, and the good bad and ugly of this project. was your final mass within the 20% of your initial?

What did you do well?

What would you change?

Who did what on the project, how was your lab partner etc.?

(You should be able to put part of a given projectile into the 30 x 30 x 30 cm box, today.)


You need your journal, headphones M-Wednesday of this week.

Label a page in your journal "Newton's Cradle" Write down each question and answer it in your journal. Also copy down a sketch of each of the seven sphere configurations so that you can record the data.

Log onto your computer, and complete the websites in Newton's Cradle and answer the questions. You have 30 minutes, then we will complete the hands on part of the lab.




Log on to your computer, silently make sure you have your journal to complete the "Newton Notes" when class starts, we will move to the lab desks to take notes. While you are waiting for class to start, investigate this link- Forces and Motion.

Sign up for Google Classroom to enable you to complete tomorrow's assignment.


House pic

Zombies, YEAH!

Forces in 1 Dimension


Log on to your computer, headphones to silently view and respond to Newton's 1st and 2nd laws of motion.

Use Google Forms found in your hour's Google classroom to respond to the quiz.

If you did not get the notes yesterday try-"Answers to Newton's notes". Journal due Friday-200 pts

When done open and play the first five levels of 3 Puck Chuck(If it does not work, paste it into IE)

Then complete Momentum and Collisions and answer all questions.

When done, complete Motion Man

When done check out

15 Coolest Machines That Makes you Fl


Due to Student Council absences, and you are not my college students, we will work on this one more day.

Log on to your computer, headphones to silently view and respond to Newton's 1st and 2nd laws of motion.

Use Google Forms found in your hour's Google classroom to respond to the quiz.

If you did not get the notes yesterday try-"Answers to Newton's notes". Journal due Friday-200 pts

When done open and play the first five levels of 3 Puck Chuck (If it does not work, paste it into IE)

Then complete Momentum and Collisions and answer all questions.

When done, complete Motion Man

When done check out

15 Coolest Machines That Makes you Fl



Newton's 1st and 2nd laws of motion.

Momentum and Collisions.

Motion Man

and use the information to complete the Quiz in Google Form.

Log on to your computer, use your headphones to view and respond to Newton's 1st and 2nd laws of motion. We are on the computer all day today.

Use Google Forms found in your science hour's Google classroom to respond to the quiz.

If you did not get the notes yesterday use-"Answers to Newton's notes" to complete them.

Journal due Friday-200 pts.

Then complete Momentum and Collisions and answer all questions.

When done, complete Motion Man both are due end of hour today.


Log on to your computer, while you are waiting silently read your “Newton Ramp Lab Test” handout from lab desk one. The back of it is where you will write your final copy of your experiment.

Then open the following link- Asteroids (Paste address into IE) you have 10 minutes. (As you play the sim, ask yourself- (How does this sim use Newton’s three laws of Motion?)

In both Momentum and Collisions and Motion Man go to the last question and open the last period. Use the provided answer keys to correct both your labs. Tomorrow we will glue both in your notebook. Then watch Khan 2-D and Motion in 2D When done remove your headphones and wind them up and place back on the hook on the monitor.


Then open Newton Ramp Lab test 100 points, you will have the rest of the hour and tomorrow to create the lab, run it, and gather data.


Forces in 1 Dimension

Acceleration - PhET


Newton's Laws

Impossible kick

KFC plane

LT- Newton's three laws of motion

Newton's 1st Law Lab


Pendulum Phet

Motion in straight line

Motion in 2D




LT- Newton's three laws of motion

Final day of Newton Ramp Test



When done check out:

**Google workplace**

**Cool offices**

**Google Perks**

**More Perks**

**Google hires population of Alma**

**15 Coolest Machines That Makes you Fl**y

When done open and play the first five levels of

**3 Puck Chuck** (If it does not work, paste it into IE)


LT- Newton's third law of motion

Reaction Rocket Test Pre-read

Rocket Reaction Rubric-100 pts

(Work in teams of two)

Create a title and claim for your exam.

While one person holds the launcher, the other person makes sure the bottom of the ball is at the desired height.

(I recommend starting with a drop point of 10 cm for your first test.)

Smooth your data by dropping lowest/highest outlier data for each tested height.

(In statistics, an outlier is an observation point that is distant from other data observations. An outlier may be due to variability in the measurement, or it may indicate experimental error; the latter are sometimes excluded from the data set.)

Your experiment must have both a data table and line graph of the average results.

Stop increasing drop heights when rocket hits ceiling.

Your results should confirm or refute your claim using data.


LT- Newton's three laws of motion

Car lab build/test

Objective-Forces and Motion 2-D collisions

Start the construction of your safety cage with crush zones now.


Car lab V.S. Car - Test on ramp, 23.5 degree.

Test grade 300 pts.

Car crash lab


Crush zones


Béla Barényi – a history of safety - Mercedes-Benz original


busters: Head-On Collision 1962 Cadillac vs. 2002 Cadillac


British Channel 5 TV 'Fifth Gear' programme. How a badly repaired Ford Focus crumple zone fails to work in a crash test.


British Channel 5 TV 'Fifth Gear' programme. Renault Modus


small car with 5 star NCAP rating vs 1990 Volvo 940GLE head on crash test.


Mythbusters - Car crash force







Car lab brain storm/research

Car lab Prototype

Car moves straight over 3m

+/- 3 cm to the side 11cm long 13-16 cm wide 10 cm passenger compartment

Must be able to slide forward and back

Total Car Mass less than 200g

Up to six total sheets of Paper

60 cm of tape

Two Rubber Bands

8 Popsicle sticks.


LT- Newton's three laws of motion



Car lab build/test

You need 60 cm of scotch tape tomorrow!





LT- Newton's three laws of motion



Car Crash Watch videos and plan your crushzone

Car crash lab

Crush zones

Fifth Gear - Size Doesn't Matter

Béla Barényi – a history of safety - Mercedes-Benz original

busters: Head-On Collision 1962 Cadillac vs. 2002 Cadillac

British Channel 5 TV 'Fifth Gear' program. How a badly repaired Ford Focus crumple zone fails to work in a crash test.

British Channel 5 TV 'Fifth Gear' programme. Renault Modus

small car with 5 star NCAP rating vs 1990 Volvo 940GLE head on crash test.

Mythbusters - Car crash force



The Physics of Car Crashes

Understanding Car Crashes: It's Basic Physics


Project-Based Engineering for Kids




Image result for No school professional development

Professional Development for Teachers


Car Crash Test Design

Identify the Problem


The problem is that we need to find a way to keep an egg safe when a weight is dropped on it using crumple zone technology and paper.


Generate Ideas

-Fold paper into a spring shape to absorb impact. There would be many layers of these.

-Fold paper into a box shape and make lots of them and make a cube out of them.

-Roll paper into a tight roll and then stack them into shape of a cube.



-Must be a 10 cm x 10 cm x 10 cm cube

-Use recycled paper as the building material



-Weight less then 200 g

-Amount it crumples


-Egg Safety



-Crumple zones are areas of a car that are meant to crush when hit and absorb the impact during a crash.

-Most crumple zones incorporate a honeycomb design.

-Crumple zones work best when they are spread over an area.

-Crumple zones distribute the force away from the passengers in the car.



"HowStuffWorks "How Crumple Zones Work"" HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.


"Crumple Zone." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 16 Oct. 2014. Web. 16 Oct. 2014.


"Crash Test." Crash Test. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Oct. 2014.


We used the search terms "How do crumple zones work" and "what are common designs of crumple zones".


Possible Solutions




Car Crash Test Final Day


Watch This First-Angular Momentum

Then read-

Newton's First Law Inertia Ring Lab

Your materials are:

Compass, ring with four settings, (Closed, A,B and C) Two different mass marbles, ruler, one mini yellow traffic cone.


Your experiment should have a title, claim, procedure, three drawings, evidence data table and reasoning conclusion.

When done, watch this

What If The Sun Disappeared?


Why Use Two measurement systems?

Cloud Cam



Image result for 1/2 school day



Finsh creating and running an experiment to test Newton's 1st.


Watch This First-Angular Momentum

Then read-

Newton's First Law Inertia Ring Lab

Your materials are:

Compass, ring with four settings, (Closed, A,B and C) Two different mass marbles, ruler, one mini yellow traffic cone.


Your experiment should have a title, claim, procedure, three drawings, evidence data table and reasoning conclusion.

When done, watch this

What If The Sun Disappeared?