Our Classroom Website


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Developing as a professional educator.

One piece of advice that I can give to a new teacher is to be patient. A lot of times we come in hoping to change the world and when we're hit with road blocks it's easy to feel defeated. Change happens over time and each student is different so give it time. 


My long-term goal:


  • I would like to involve all of my students in self-assessment, goal setting, and monitoring progress

I've found that I have improved in the goal. It has been a struggle for me to find a method that works for me. I can have up to 28 on my caseload as well as other's students in my classes. To help me do this I have been giving quizes to monitor progress so I can pin point which students need additional support and what I need to change to help them. I would still like to find a way of holding them more accounatable in monitoring their own progress.



I've found that my strength has been organizing curriculum to facilitate student understnding of subject matter. Being a special education teacher that's the first thing I have to take into consideration. Whether it's going at a slower pace, giving modified assignments or quizes all students require different supports.



My opportunity continues to be self-assessments for my students. I hold them accountable of checking their grades to see what they are missing but I am still looking for a better system to where they can reflect on individual assignments as well as their grade as a whole. 


Professional goal:

A professional goal that I have for myself it balancing my career and home life better. With being a new mom I find myself being overwhelmed easier. Coming into the new school year I hope to have more organization of my caseload and work load. Being on maternity leave for most of the first half of the first semester made it hard because my class was not ran the way I would have ran it and my lesson plans were not followed. I felt that I was playing catch up all year. With having a baby at home I stayed at work until I had to so I could pick him up. I would like to be more organized during my day so I could go home knowing that I accomplished what I needed to. 



To make sure I stay a connected educator through out the year I plan to reach out to all of my parents from the beginning of the school year and make sure I have a way of contacting them quickly. I will make sure that I share this site where they can find my contact information as well as updates on what we're doing in class. I want to reach out to parents more often about projects and tests coming up, rather than rely on the students to pass that information along.