Reading Log

I will be attaching the reading logs that are done on a weekly basis here. Please have this printed out and submitted on the due date with their answers.


Weekly Reading Log


Beginning the Week of: ______________ Due on: ________

Book Title                Number of minutes read

                                           (At least 30 min/day)

Mon. _________________________        __________

Tue. _________________________        __________           

Wed. _________________________        __________

Thu.  _________________________        __________

Fri.  __________________________        __________


Weekly Goal = 150 minutes     Weekly Total:_________


Student Signature:_______________ Parent Signature:___________________


On three days each week, pick a question from the box below and answer it using complete sentences in your Reading Journal. You may not use the same question more than once each week!


  1. What is the setting in your story?  Describe it. Use specific details from the text.
  2. Think about the setting of the story.  How does the setting effect how the character thinks or acts?  What would happen if the setting were changed?
  3. Who is the main character?  Describe him or her.  Use specific details from the text. (Remember to use the character’s thoughts, words, or actions).
  4. Is there a problem in the story? What is it? How was it solved?
  5. What advice would you give a particular character?  Why?
  6. In what ways are you like any of the characters in the book?  Explain.
  7. If you had been the main character in the story, would you have acted differently?  Why or why not?
  8. Summarize the chapter that you read.  What were the most important events? Did you learn anything new about the characters?
  9. Pretend you are interviewing one of the characters in the story.  What two questions would you ask them, and what would their answers be?
  10. What do you think will happen next?
  11. Were you able to make any inferences while you were reading? Tell what they were and explain what text evidence and what background knowledge you used to make the inference.
  12. What is the theme of the story? What did the author want to teach you?  How do you know?