How Do I Get my Disabled Facebook Account Back?


Method 1: When Facebook Disabled your account

You should try this when you see the message “Your account has been disabled” displayed when you try logging into your account. You could be dealing with a disabled Facebook account due to many reasons but lets’ focus on getting the account back.

  1. Open the official page of Facebook help where you will find an appeal form that you need to submit.

  2. In the form, type your email address or the linked phone number. This will be used by Facebook to communicate with you.

  3. Also, type your legal full name in the name field. Do not enter any wrong or invalid name as Facebook will not accept it. 

  4. Then, upload a photo of any government Id that you have. It can be anything like a driver’s license, birth certificate, passport or any other identification proof. 

  5. You should also mention any extra information that you think is necessary. Highlight, if you have tried various times at logging into your account. 

  6. The last step is to tap on the ‘Send’ button and your form will be submitted.

Facebook will give you an update soon. 

Method 2: When you Disabled your own account

If you have deactivated your account for some time then, it is very easy to get it back. You do not need to worry too much about your facebook account disabled

To get your deactivated account back, you just need to sign in to your account through the official website of Facebook and you will get your account back. See, this is very simple. 

However, if these methods do not work then I think that your account may have been hacked. If your Facebook account hacked then, you should open the website Ityug247 and know more information on how you can get back access to your account from hackers. 

