How to Pick the Right Graduate School

Choosing a graduate school can be daunting. These are a few tips on how to read between all the lists and know what's best for you.
So you've decided to go to graduate school. You want to pursue a Master's degree or Ph.D. in English, Psychology, Biology, Chemistry, Law, Business or even perhaps in Linguistics. But where do you begin the momentous journey? How do you know which school is the best fit? Where do you begin? Picking a graduate school is overwhelming. Topic editors from the thesis paper writing service say, there are many factors to consider before, during, and after the process.


The most important factor that seems to be overlooked until later in the game is who do you want to work with? Faculty is crucial. It doesn't matter what degree you intend to obtain, you need to research professors you want to work with. While overall the courses might be similar, different professors are doing individual, innovative work. You want to be sure you pick a school where there is a professor or faculty doing research you also want to contribute to. Of course, there is always the possibility that you can't work with a professor you admire or dislike their pedagogy. Therefore, make sure there are other aspects you like about the program and school.


Deciding how far you are willing to travel is a decision you need to make early. If you don't want to leave the east coast, and you are steadfast in that decision, then do not look at schools on the other side of the country. And graduate school is not like an undergraduate. According to trainees from the paper writing service online, for most schools you will have to find your own housing, sharing an apartment with three, four, or five other graduate students. Or you may need to find an apartment all on your own. Some programs do offer graduate housing, but it's limited. So deciding where to live is something you need to factor into the location question, as are any personal matters: relationships, jobs, family, friends, spouse, or children. But once you've decided how far (or close) you are willing to travel for your degree, scanning and examining the programs begins.


Luckily we live in the generation of the world wide web, making your research a lot easier. U.S. News and World Report provide a list each year of the top 50 rated schools for nearly all graduate programs. It's extremely handy for quick links to the universities, and when you click on a school, it also gives you the rankings for all the other university' programs. is another super useful tool. Not only can you search for Master's and Ph.D. programs, but you can also compare schools as well. It lets you select as many schools as you like and it will provide you with a side-by-side comparison. Ph.D. even supplies the tuition rates, application fees, living expenses, the demographics of the school, and contact information.

For the writers out there looking to buy cheap essays and obtain an MFA, Poets & Writers has a fabulous breakdown of the 50 best programs for fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. It supplies you with an informative graph listing funding, years to completion, size of programs, and more.

But the thing about all these lists is that they leave out other good schools that maybe have smaller attendance or are newly starting and therefore weren't considered in the competition. But the top 50 is only the top 50. It does not mean that the schools 51 and onward aren't worth considering. You should look into them and find them by doing your own research outside the lists pre-made for you.


When considering all the information you've gathered about rankings, courses, professors, DO NOT forget to think about where you can actually get into. Most graduate programs only take a select number, so the competition is high. But grades and GRE scores are other factors calculated into your chance at admission. Each program has its separate requirements (some majors may not require a GRE) but make sure that you can get in. Having a reach school or two is completely reasonable, and you shouldn't nix out your dream schools because the chances might be smaller. But, you need to be prepared you might not get in, and you need to have schools that are absolutely within your grasp. Also, it really doesn't hurt to apply to a safe school as a back-up.

Apply to a handful of schools. No less than five. You want to maximize your chances. And unlike undergraduate, admissions doesn't choose you, the faculty you want to work with does. Your application and portfolio need to be pristine.

Take a deep breath. The journey is stressful and arduous, especially if applying while still in undergrad, but it can be done. Really understand the schools' requirements, meet with your current professors to learn more about the process and to have them write an essay for you. (Ask them at the start of the Fall semester to give them enough time! You won't be the only one needing a letter). Study for the GRE's and REVISE your personal statement over and over and over again. It is crucial to have a stellar one.

You will get into graduate school. It may not be the first time around, but never let that discourage you. Stay positive and make sure not to sacrifice fun, friends, and family during the process.


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