Acceptable Technology Use Policy

Classroom Technology Policy 


I _________________ (student name) have read all pages of this website and accept to abide by the classroom technology rules. I will do my best to follow netiquette rules and be a good digital citizen. I will follow internet safety policies especially when using school computers.  I will not plagiarize another's work as my own. I know the consequences for plagiarism. I will follow copyright laws when creating theatre. I will follow our classroom technology policy. I know that my personal technology including cell phones and cameras will be taken away if misused and given back at the end of class/rehearsal. I will only use theatre technology with permission, and I will schedule my time using theatre tech to allow for equitable access.  I take responsibility for any damage that happens while I am using theatre technology and understand I could be asked to replace items that break. 



My child understands these technology policies. I will be a good example of technology use. I understand that my child has a responsibility to be a good digital citizen when using technology for this class. I understand there are consequences if technology is misused. I will help my child get the access to technology that they need to be successful including getting to a library to use public computers or allowing for home access to internet. I will contact my student's theatre teacher if issues arise related to the use of technology in the classroom.


Student Signature: ____________________________________

Parent Signature:______________________________________