Equitable digital access in the classroom

Equitable Digital Access

Digital equity is making sure all students have the technology and connective capabilities they need to be able to complete assignments. All students need to know where to go for help getting the access they need. Technology can be beneficial, but only when every class member is able to participate.


Why do we need equitable access in theatre classrooms?

Technology can make theatre better. Designs and acting are both improved through research which can be done easily online. Technical aspects such as sound design often are done mainly using technology. Reasearch can help the show come together and be beliveable within a certain time or place. All theatre students need to have the opprotunity to access the internet to practice this kind of research.

We may not always be able to use the school library and do internet activities in class. We also may not have the budget to provide devices for students to allow connection to the internet. Public Libraries are always an option for public internet access. The theatre classroom will be avalible after school for students to sign up to work on the computer for designing for shows. There is only one computer and many students, so you will have to sign up to utilize this option. I will allow papers to be hand written, so for most projects done in the theatre classroom you could use a phone if you do not have a computer. If you need papers (such as a script for a scene in class) printed, you can email them to me and I will print them at the school. 

I hope this gives all theatre students the access that they need to be able to be a successful thespian, artist, performer, director, designer, or playwright!

Sources for this page:

Equitable access | ISTE. (2021). ISTE. https://www.iste.org/standards/essential-conditions/equitable-access

GoGuardian Team. (2020, September 2). What It Means to Have Equitable Access to Technology for Today’s Students & Educators. GoGuardian. https://www.goguardian.com/blog/technology/equitable-access-to-technology/

Leustig, T. (2020, April 13). What Digital Equity Means for K-12 Education. Dyknow. https://www.dyknow.com/blog/what-digital-equity-means-for-k-12-education/

Miller, J. (2016, March 24). 5 Ways To Make Technology More Accessible To More Students. TeachThought. https://www.teachthought.com/technology/5-ways-make-technology-accessible-students/