
What is Netiquette?

Just as there are rules for theatre etiqutte there are also rule for online etiquette. 



Some rules to follow for online etiquette:

  • Respect privacy
  • Double check that the message conveys the intended meaning before sending
  • Sarcasm can be hard to convey online add jk, lol, or emojis to make sure they know you are joking
  • Allow expression of opinions
  • Avoid arguing online- Keep the drama onstage and not online
  • Think before you post
  • Would you say what you are posting in person?


Just as you would not want the audience making noise, taking pictures with the flash on, or other distracting behaviors while you are performing, we need to be a courteous online audience.


Sources for this page:

Aubuchon, A. (2013, January 24). A Broken Invisibility Cloak – Oh My Goodness Gracious. Oh My Goodness Gracious.

Examples Of Good Netiquette – Cybersmile. (2020). The Cybersmile Foundation.

Hishon, K. (2017, April 22). Theatre Etiquette 101. Theatrefolk.