
Welcome to our new homepage!  This site will have information about the K-5 Music program at Chimacum Creek Primary and Chimacum Elementary including curriculum offerings, concert dates, and other special performances.  Check back often for new posts and links!


Have you heard about the Music Matters campaign?  This is a really neat initiative led by several members of the Chimacum and greater Washington state community who want to support music in our schools.  Together with the state legislature, this group is working on developing a license plate that will be available for purchase by Washington state drivers.  Proceeds from the license plate would go to benefit the music program at the school of your choice.  What a great way to support music in our schools!  Music Aid Northwest is sponsoring this project, and you can help them reach their goal in a few easy ways:


  1. Sign the petition!  WA DOL requires 3,500 signatures to initiate the project.
  2. Donate.  WA DOL also requires $35,000 for the start-up fees for creating a new specialty license plate.  Even a small amount can help us reach our goal.
  3. Spread the word!  Send e-mails, Facebook messages, texts, and phone calls to all of your friends and family to let them know about this great opportunity to support music programs in Washington state schools.

The petition, donation information, and all of the details on the project can be found at

