Digital Learning Tools

There are tons of different ways to learn languages and with today's technology it is easier than ever! Back in the day we only had traditional classrooms and books with potential of some culture reaching our ears through mainstream media. Nowadays there are so many ways to learn languages. Here we take a look at some of the best ways to learn languages with help of digital technology!



Apps like Duolingo,  Busuu, Hello, Linguallift and Babbel all offer online courses to learn new languages! There are also other apps that allow you to talk and chat with people of other countries! We love that there are so many options to choose from and all at different prices for your needs.  For example, we love how Memrise focuses on spaced repetition and mnemonics to help you sound like a native! They offer free and paid versions of the app.   


Youtube Videos/Vimeo

Online videos can also help you learn new languages! These are free, maybe with some ads thrown in, videos that will help  you learn. In this way, there are a plethora of resources and you are hearing people who actually speak the language teach it. What does this mean? Well, it means that you will end up using the right words for the right scenarios. For example, one can say "excuse me" in a variety of ways in Spanish like Perdon, Disculpe, etc. However, if you are moving past someone on a busy street "con permiso" would suffice. Using theright words is why you want to learn from native speakers! 



Online Courses

These will probably use a combination of the things mentioned above. Of course there are classics like Rosetta Stone. There is also an emerging market of individuals who teach languages virtually. These professors will help give you more one on one to learn a language and feel comfortable speaking it! Like Verbling that helps you find teachers to talk to abroad. 



Happy Learning!