Behavioral Expectations

The most important element for any classroom is respect. Having respect for the school, respect for the classroom, respect for others and respect for oneself covers every behavior issue or classroom disruption that could occur. It is important to give respect to students as well as require it from them. Our classroom will be based around respect but will teach students to monitor their own behaviors and take personal responsibility for their actions and choices. I hope to create an environment that is not only positive and encouraging, but also very clear about expectations. I will strive to determining the “why” of disruptive behavior to prevent it from happening in the future. I also plan to use Positive Behavioral Interventions and Strategies so that students learn to regulate their own behavior. Finally, I plan to teach my students to make good choices and evaluate the effects of those choices. This will include how they are expected to act both in and outside of the classroom as well as on varying media types. All students will receive training on digital citizenship (appropriate online behavior and use of social media sites).