If you want to see someone's story on Snapchat, simply tap on the DP icon in a chat and the story will display. However, because you are not hiding, this may reveal your name to that person.
As you must either perform a trick while seeing the story or use a story viewer app to view their story without their knowing. In this article, I'll go through all of the ways to watch a Snapchat story without them knowing, as well as the steps that apps may take to keep the views hidden.
View A Snapchat Story Without The Person's Knowledge:
You might be asking if there is a feature, but there is one. This trick is completely safe and can be performed by anyone without the need for any additional extensions. Close Snapchat and reinstall it. This is how you can trick Snapchat into not catching and showing your name.
If you want to view someone's Snapchat story, there's a quick and easy way to do it. All you have to do is turn off the internet connection and then turn off the internet on your mobile device; this action is available on both Android and iOS devices.
To Secretly View Other People's Snapchat Stories:
- To begin, open the Snapchat app on your smartphone.
- Tap the "Stories icon" in the bottom left of the screen.
- When a friend posts a story on Snapchat, you'll get a notification.
- Switch off mobile data or turn off Wi-Fi before tapping on any story.
- Alternatively, you may turn on Airplane mode, which will turn off your mobile data.
- Open the Snapchat app on your phone. Go to the Stories section. All users' previously loaded stories may be displayed here. You may now see all of your friends' Snapchat Stories without them knowing.
- Close Snapchat from all tasks now, then delete and reinstall Snapchat.
This is the only way to remain hidden while seeing someone else's story. In this case, the final step is necessary.
You may also read this guide - https://www.smartmoneymatch.com/articles/Is-There-A-Way-To-See-Someone%E2%80%99s-Snapchat-Story-Without-Them-Knowing/9143