Mr. Kim's Career Academy Website


To Mr. Kim's (Pfeiffer's) Comstock Park High School's Career Academy website.           

We are,

A credit recovery program located in Comstock Park High School and provide students with a plan to recover lost credit, graduate on time and learn valuable employability skills both at CPHS and at Kent Career Tech Center. 

“Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” 
― Winston S. Churchill

Expectations from Students:

1. Positively participate in the educational opportunities being presented to you by demonstrating RESPECT, RESPONSIBILITY and FOCUSING ON LEARNING.


2. Follow the expectations set forth by the Comstock Park High School Handbook as well as the Career Academy Addendums.


3. Understand and acknowledge that the goal of graduation and that work that goes into that goal requires an active and positive partnership between me and the staff.


4. Meeting or exceeding expectations will result in the goal of graduation with a future geared towards a career or post-high school educational opportunities; failing to meet the expectations will result in being removed from the Career Academy.


Expectations from Parent/Guardians:

1. Communicate with the school when needed in a timely manner.

2. Actively use Power School to monitor student’s attendance, academic and discipline.

3. Provide accurate information on all requested school forms and update any changes in a timely manner.

4. Maintain communication with school by attending parent-teacher conferences and responding to phone calls/emails.

5. Encourage your student to positively participate in the Career Academy with the goal of graduation.

6. Acknowledge that not meeting these expectations as well as negatively influencing (as determined by administration) my student to the school culture, staff, policies, procedures and expectations my lead to removal of my student from the program or at minimum limit my ability to be present at school/school related activities without prior administrative consent.



Have Fun!
The Team at Educator Pages heart