Employment Skills 

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” - Thomas Edison

The first choice we have each day is our attitude. It is the number one employability skill, in my opinion.  Attitude is everything...........We all have challenges, our job is to find a way to overcome them, not make excuses for them or be a victim by saying, "It's not my fault." Accept 100% responsibility for your attitude and move forward in the right direction.

Your day at Career Academy will focus on 5 skill areas:

  • Communication and Critical Thinking Skills
  • Effort and Productivity
  • Relationships and Citizenship
  • Time Management
  • Social Wellness

By the last Friday of each month of the school year........you are required to turn in a completed self-assessment called,

"Employability Rating Check List." See Mr. Kim for a copy of this form.