Welcome to Kindergarten


Welcome! The Weekly Reel -These are our Announcementssmiley


We are HAPPY AT HES with our Heritage Motto:
Have respect for all, Everyone is accountable, Show safe and responsible actions!

Welcome to Mrs. Merritt's Marlins! We are Making a Splash into Kindergarten and swimming towards success!

Marlin stands for (Making Academically Responsible Learners Is Necessary) I hope you find this site helpful in finding the information and resources that you need. Please let me know if you need any help and or have any questions. You can email me at cperry4@wcpss.net Happy surfing through this site!

Welcome Parents! You can find this weeks newsletter under the marlin memo button on the top for your reference. I will send home a hard copy with your child on Mondays in the Monday Folder. Please make sure you check this website too on Mondays and through out the week, because any announcements and or important information that will not fit on the newsletter will be posted here.

REMIND 101- Our class REMIND 101 account- please consider signing up this will be used to quickly comunicate with parents about events at school and special reminders through out the year. Thank you! ~Mrs. Merritt https://www.remind.com/join/3hk42a

Check the Monday folders every week for important information.

Homework if it is sent home will be sent in the Monday Folder and your child will have all week to complete it and it will be due on Fridays.

The students are expected to read for at least 10 minutes. Our Reading Logs and books on your child's reading level will start when we track back in after our 1st track out in August. 

Just in case you can't make it to our Open House on Thursday July 27th. I will post the powerpoint presentation from Open House. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Open House Power Point 
Our newsletter for this week will be posted under the Marlin Memo button on the top of the screen.

Specials schedule:

Monday- Science- This will turn into Guidance when the Science teacher (Mrs. Austin) is tracked out. This Week is Guidance with Mrs. Meese (School Counselor)

Tuesday- Technology in the computer lab with Mrs. Hylton

Wednesday- ART- Please send in an old shirt for ART that your child can keep in their cubby to protect their clothes when they are painting

**Also Note** Wednesdays are our days to go to the library and return/check out new books each week. Please help your child remember to bring their library books back on Wednesdays! 

Thursday- Music

Friday-  PE (Have your child wear tennis shoes to protect their feet as they are running around in the gym)

Important Dates to Remember:

OPEN HOUSE-  Thursday July 27th 6-7pm Room 314 * See your invitation in the Monday Folders*

Have Fun Exploring our new pages!

Mrs Merritt heart