Homework assignments

Homework consists of Reading, Math, as well as online homework ( IXL and Reading Eggs ).  Your homework has a separate reading log in which your child will need to read a minimum of 20 minutes each night ( this is separate from our Wonders Book ).  It doesn't matter what they read, as long as they are reading for that allotted time.

Each student is given a physical homework packet that they need to take home every Monday afternoon, unless otherwise stated.

Please note: Refer to your homework packet that is in your child's folder each Monday afternoon.  Please do not rely on this information only.  Homework is given each Monday afternoon and will need to be returned Friday morning.  If there is any daily Math homework, please return that along with the rest of the homework on Friday.  I will not accept separate homework throughout the week. Thank you!

Home projects are assigned differently and are given ample time for preparation.  Due dates are important as this will serve as a time to share their projects with their class.