Accelerated Reader
Here is a little about the research of reading:
To become fluent readers children need to practice.
Reading a book more than one time is needed to become familiar with the text.
Students need to read 5, 600 words per day to become proficient readers.
If students are reading that many words per day, then they should be able to read and pass several AR tests a week. Accelerated Reader is a tool to help students become better readers. Students read selected titles then take a test on the computer. We find it is best each student read a picture book:
- Read with someone
- Read to someone
- Read independently
If you are reading a beginning chapter book (first to third grade level) you may want to use sticky notes and write a couple of sentences about important facts or events in each chapter. You should read some of the book to someone and some of the book can be read to you. Talk about the book with someone in your home or a friend. When you talk about the book you should talk about how you have connected to the story. Review your sticky notes before you take your test
Our reading goal is to have fluent readers comprehending what they read. Each student needs to be reading a minimum of 90 words per minute by the end of second grade, but really need to be reading over 100 words per minute. AR is a quick way to check comprehension and help students progress toward that goal of 100+ words per minute.
If your child is having trouble taking AR tests, try Book Adventure. This may help your child take their AR test at school. Everyone will be required to take a minimum of 1 AR test a week.
Our second grade goal is to pass a minimum of 2 AR tests a week with a 70 or higher. Our total class reading levels are 2.0 to 3.8. In my opinion, seven and eight year olds can't really handle the subject matter in most books much above third grade. There are plenty of books that may be above 3.8, that are age appropriate for second graders, but I really want successful readers so I am asking that reading levels not go below second grade or above third grade for now.