By going through this full article, you will get to know the process to add Yahoo mail to Outlook, how it saves your time, and also it will solve the problem of Yahoo mail not working in Outlook.
Whenever we want to access your Yahoo email, we have to go through a whole long process of opening a browser, going to the Yahoo website, then to its login page, filling in credentials and then getting access to the email account. This process is very time consuming and thereby wastes a lot of time when you frequently want to use your email account. Nevertheless, we can reduce this tension of ours by adding our Yahoo email account in Outlook, which is a desktop software, where we can add our Yahoo email account, due to which it will become just a click away.
The process to Add and Sync Yahoo in Outlook
Following is the process by which you will know how to add Yahoo in Outlook 2016 and the above versions, and also it will give you the solution to Yahoo SMTP servers are not working in Outlook, below-mentioned are the steps:
- Open Outlook software on your computer.
- In the top right corner of the top menu bar, click on the “File” option.
- From the onscreen window, select the “Add Account” option.
- On the visible screen, enter your Yahoo email address in the text box.
- Click on the “Advanced Options” link and check the option within it.
- Now, click on the “Connect” button.
- A window will appear, where you have to select the “Account Type”. Generally, it is IMAP and it is also advisable to use it.
- Now, the Account Settings window will appear where you have to correctly fill the mail server settings. Below-mentioned is the settings, by which correctly following them you will be able to solve Yahoo SMTP servers are not working problem:
- Incoming Mail Server: IMAP
- Server:
- Port Number: 993
- SSL Required: Yes
- Outgoing Mail Server:
- Server:
- Port Number: 465 or 587
- Encrypted Connection: SSL
- Authentication Required: Yes
9. All filling all the information correctly, click on the “Next” button.
10. On the next prompted window, fill in your Yahoo email password.
11. Click on the “Connect” button to end the process.