How to Check And Raise your Snapchat Score?

Snapchat users always have several questions on their minds like what is a Snapchat score or how to get a snap score up fast? 
Well to answer this question let's discuss the Snapchat platform.

Snapchat is an American company that was launched on 8th July 2011. It is available in 37 languages. The Snapchat app can be operated on both Android devices and iOS devices. 

Users can use Snapchat to send videos, images, for communication and also Snapchat is renowned for its amazing Snapchat filters and the best app to make reels without feeling any anxiety or have the insecurity about being in front of the camera, and can even feel and look more beautiful with its incredible filters.

Snapchat is also famous among teenagers for Snapchat streaks. Snapchat streak means that users have to daily send a message or an image or just a Snapchat smile. 

When the Snapchat users want to know "how to get snap score up fast"?. The answer would be that the more messages are exchanged between the two users, the higher their streak would be, it is also one of the best ways for a Snapchat score hack.

Snapchat streaks are a symbol of greater friendship between youngsters. The person with whom the user has more streaks is considered a close and more important person.


Steps to Check the Snap Score - 

Users have to open the Snapchat app and then click on the profile icon, where users can see their Snap Score underneath the name and avatar made by users on the Snapchat app.

To check the snap score of friends, from the profile click on the My Friends option and then select the desired friend whose snap score has to be checked, below their username and avatar.


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