Marketing Management

Course Description:  Marketing Management is the third course in the Marketing and Management pathway. Students assume a managerial perspective by applying economic principles in marketing, analyzing operation’s needs, examining channel management and financial alternatives, managing marketing information, pricing products and services, developing product/service planning strategies, promoting products and services, purchasing, and professional sales. This course also includes global marketing where students analyze marketing strategies employed in the United States versus those employed in other countries.


In order to increase the number of application experiences, students should participate in (1) Work-Based Learning (WBL) activities in the classroom and possibly in a formal WBL Program; (2) DECA Career and Technical Student Organization competitive events that are directly aligned with course standards and (3) a School-Based Enterprise (The Pack Shack). The prerequisite for this course is Marketing Principles and Entrepreneurship.


Materials needed (DAILY):


Writing utensil