
Macbeth unit plan


Macbeth Vocab

  1. usurpation(n.)- illegally taking someone’s throne

  2. plight(n.)- a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation

  3. lavish(adj.; v.)- rich, elaborate, or luxurious;bestow something in generous or extravagant quantities 

  4. corporal(adj.)- affecting the body as opposed to the mind or spirit

  5. treason(n.)- the crime of betraying one's country

  6. wanton(adj.)- not restrained or controlled

  7. remorse(n.)- a feeling of deep regret, usually for doing something wrong

  8. chalice(n.)- a bowl-shaped drinking vessel; a big fancy cup

  9. confound(v.)- to be confusing or perplexing to

  10. surfeit(n.)- the excessive indulgence of one’s appetite; an excessive amount of something