Appropriate Classroom Technology Use

Technology in the Classroom

With the addition of computers and other devices in classrooms, it is important to recognize important aspects and issues that may arise.

Equitable Access

One of the main concerns for many schools and school districts is ensuring that all students have equal access to the technology that may be provided for certain classes. Chromebooks, iPads, and cameras are common items that are used in classrooms today. Although it may not always fall on the teacher to ensure that every student has access to these types of devices (generally the school or school district is responsible for providing the necessary number of devices), here are a few ways that educators can help organize and ensure that all students have the same opportunity to gain access to these devices:

  • Creating sign-up lists for device use
  • Assigning devices to each student who will be responsible for that device
  • Dividing certain classroom activities and projects (especially if there are more students than devices)
  • Communicating with administrators to ensure the appropriate number of devices are provided for the class
  • Ensuring class rosters/sizes match and do not exceed device count

Classroom Technology Rules

One of the most difficult things for an educator is ensuring that students are appropriately using their devices. It is extremely easy for a student to hop on their computer and immediately start playing games or accessing websites that are not appropriate for the classroom. It can also be difficult to ensure students handle these devices with correct care. Becuase of this, it is important to set classroom rules for appropriate use of devices. These rules must be clear and set from the very beginning before students begin using these devices. Having a designated area for your classroom devices can help. A set "station" where students grab their devices and eventually put them away can ensure that these devices are not lost or taken home when they aren't supposed to. Emphasis on care and respect to the school property is also important. Students may not treat the devices with the same care as they would for their own personal devices. Teaching this early is important to prevent inappropriate handling of the device and can extend the lifespan and longevity of the devices for future use. Lastly, educators should always monitor and be aware of what their students are looking at on these devices. Constant engagement and reminders are key. 

Create a Contract

Along with these rules, it can be helpful to include a sort of "contract" between the students and even the parents. This emphasizes the importance of care and appropriate use from the start. It can also be helpful to engage the parents to help instill the same ideas with their children that these devices should be treated with care and respect. This might even incentivize parents to continue discussing appropriate technology usage with their children at home. 

