Email Etiquette 8th Grade


Government Key Terms – Govt – Sierra Vista High School


 Email Etiquette 

Email etiquette is the observance and communication of generally accepted standards of sense, grammar and politeness when sending email messages.



Involving questions of right and wrong.


Email Delivery in the Real World

How Law Firms Prevent Email Data Breaches with TitanFile - TitanFile



Parts of An Email Message

Parts of an Email - YouTube


Steps to Composing An Effective Email



         a. To

         b. From

         c. CC

         d. BCC


2.Subject Line

         a. What is your email about?

         b. Include the topic.

         c. Example:  Thank You!


    3.  Greet Politely

         a. Follow in-person rules

         b. Example:  Good morning

          Vice Principal Knowles


   4.  Get to the Point

        a.  Do not ramble!

        b.  Limit your content.


   5.  Do not use

        a. Abbreviations

        b. Slang

        c. Text Speech

        d. Example: 

          Hey Mrs. Knowles, cud

          I meet wit u tom 2 talk

          bout r project plz. LoL!


   6. Proofread!

       a.  Check for spelling and grammar errors.

       b.  Read email out aloud to hear how you sound.

          (i)  Happy or angry?

          (ii)  Respectful or disrespectful?

          (iii)  Funny or sarcastic?   


   7.  In Closing

        a. Use your formal name.

        b. Add a closing.

        c. Example:  Sincerely,

            Warm regards

             d. Use in-person communication rules.

        e.  Would you say it to someone’s face?

        f.  How would you communicate this same message in person?


8. Keep in Mind

          a.  Email is a part of your digital footprint.          

          b.  Do not expect an an instant response!

          c.  Use email to communicate simple requests.




Beware of malicious fake antivirus apps for mobiles - Services - Software -  Business IT



Take precautions to avoid computer viruses such as
- Trojan horses

    - Worms

    - Malicious code


This can happen through email attachments, so install an antivirus software such as; Avast, Norton, and McAfee




Happy Learning!

Miss Taylorheart