Conducting Performance Reviews

What is a performance review? A performance review is a form of pre-employment training for management that helps managers evaluate their employees' performance on a daily basis. This training can also be beneficial to a manager if it allows him or her to see things from the employee's point of view. An employee performance review is often one of the most difficult aspects of performance management because the employee often feels like his or her job is under review.

Why are performance reviews necessary? Well, first off they allow a manager to get in front of employees and give them a chance to voice any concerns or issues they may have. Second, they help employees develop skills that will make them better contributors to the company both on and off the job. Third, they provide an environment in which employees can learn from one another and where suggestions can be solicited and thoughtfully considered.

Why do managers generally need to conduct performance reviews? Performance reviews help managers reduce the number of unhappy employees by eliminating extraneous performance reviews. By removing extraneous comments and evaluations, managers can spend more time evaluating the real performances of employees. This can be especially important if the jobs being reviewed are team oriented and require that employees work closely with other team members, coaches, and managers.

How are performance reviews conducted? Generally, a manager conducts a performance review at the end of the year for all employees, regardless of whether they have had a prior review or not. If employees have had a performance review in the past year, most managers now include this information at the end of each year's review. However, some companies still choose to conduct a review after the fact only for those employees whose performance has been exceptionally good.

Who should be involved in a performance evaluation? The individual who is responsible for the particular job is usually the one who receives the feedback. However, other employees or people who are aware of the specific job duties and expectations should also be present at the meeting. These people include:

Who gets to participate in the performance review process? Generally, senior managers of the same department and/or business unit are invited to take part in the review. Other employees present at the meeting include: analysts, who are responsible for analyzing current performance; quality leaders, who are responsible for determining the quality of the company's products and services; and supervisors, who are involved in steering employees toward appropriate behaviors that will be conducive to the success of their job. Sometimes, employees are asked to contribute their thoughts directly to the senior managers. Depending on the needs of the organization, the employees may be asked to write in a small column or a small essay.

How are performance appraisals used? Performance appraisals provide managers with information regarding how employees are performing on a particular job. They help managers determine whether performance is being properly monitored. They also play an important role in developing an effective performance management system. Most importantly, performance appraisals help managers build a stronger bond between management and employees.

Why is it important for employees to participate in performance reviews? First, participation helps employees feel as if they are being heard. When employees hear what they want to say, they are more likely to try to fulfill the goals of the organization. Employees also feel that they are being evaluated honestly, so they feel more inclined to work hard and to try to reach company goals. The more employees know what is going on within the company, the more they can understand why certain things are occurring and why others are not. This knowledge sharing creates a more cohesive team, which can lead to more success and happiness within the company.