Mrs. Crabbe's and Mrs. Pruitt's Third Grade Classroom

This week:

  • This week in Math we are working on addition and subtraction.  We are also working on word problems every mornng for morning work.  Your child will be bringing homework home to help extend his/her practice on addition and subtraction.  We are also continuing rounding to the tens, hundreds, and tens within a hundred.  
  • Don't forget your child's Hotdog Cooker is due Wednesday, August 29- we will be completing our solar experiment on Friday, August 31- if there is anything you can donte (hotdogs, buns. condiments) please let us know through your child's agenda! 
  • Next week in Science, we will start our unit on magnets!
  • Monday, September 3, 2012 is a Labor Day- No School!  Please enjoy this day with your family and friends!!
  • Fall pictures are coming in September!
  • Please help your child with our school fundraiser- the money raised helps buy items needed by our school!   

Here are some websites your child can work on at home to reinforce the many things we have learned in class, thus far!

(To access these websites, press and hold control and click on the link)


 If you ever need to contact us, you can reach us at the school- 706-677-2308 or e-mail us at or