Reading Logs

  • Language Arts Reading Expectations: You are to read at least 2 hours per week, that’s only 20 minutes per day for 6 days.  Reading may include magazines, newspapers, textbooks, or novels.  You must record your reading time, what you read or are reading, the number of pages you read during that time, and complete the week’s reading with a parent signature.  You should be reading a MINIMUM of 100 pages per week. 
  •      Reading assignments are not to be repeated.  For example, you cannot read the same novel twice.    
  •   You must read at least 2 hours a week.  This can be 2 hours at a time or 20 minutes at a time.       
  • A parent or guardian signature is worth 20 points of your grade.  There are NO Exceptions.     
  •    Reading logs are due every Tuesday (reading logs run from Sun through Saturday).  Each day your reading log is late 10 points will be deducted.*     
  • You are required to take at least 8 reading count quizzes per semester on your reading level.  These quizzes will be put in the grade book.  You should be taking a reading counts quiz every 2 weeks.  Look for reading count quiz due dates to be posted in the classroom and on the website.     
  • Our class will compete against other classes in the “Battle of Books,” you are required to read at least 4 books from the list, and take the Reading Counts quiz.     
  • Participation in the “battle” will be on a voluntary basis, but you must read at least 4 books from the list.
  • You and your friends can form “battle teams” and divide the list for easier reading.  All books are available in the library, and reading count quizzes will be available, also.     
  • Reading logs are graded weekly, and completed on a monthly basis.  At the end of each 4 week period we will all reading logs will be collected and total pages read will be counted.  The class with the highest number of pages read for the month will receive a “mystery prize.”
  • Your monthly reading log must be kept in your classroom portfolio.  At the end of the year, you should have 10 months.  Every month will not have four weeks of reading, but you will have a separate log for each month.      Falsifying information on your reading log will result in a grade of 0.     
  • If you fail a Reading Counts quiz for a book put on your reading log—you will not receive credit for it on the reading log.