
Vocabulary refers to the words we must know to communicate effectively.



According to research, children learn vocabulary indirectly in three ways:

1. Engaging in daily oral language, especially with adults.

2. Listening to adults read aloud to them.

3. Reading extensively independently.



Strategies for boosting vocabulary:

-Keep them reading! Students will encounter a wide variety of words just through reading. 

-Review - As you add words you want your students to know, don’t forget to review. Continually bring back words they’ve already studied. 

-Keep a stack of vocabulary words . As you introduce new words, add a card. Use index cards and write the word on the front in big letters. You can use them for a quick review or game with your child.

-Use word walls - Sorting words by letter, word families, roots, or tier 1 meanings. Use the words — point them out and review them.



How can you help at home?

Fun vocabulary videos for K-12: https://www.flocabulary.com/subjects/vocabulary/

At home strategies : https://iowareadingresearch.org/9-tips-to-build-your-child%E2%80%99s-vocabulary-at-home

Books for vocabulary building: https://www.scholastic.com/parents/others/articles/books-expression-and-vocabulary-builders.html

