Cells to Body Systems

Cells To Body Systems       Click on the following websites to explore cells.


1.     http://neoK12.com/cell-structures.htm  scroll down to videos and watch: How the Body Works

2.     http://historyforkids.org/scienceforkids/biology/cells

3.     http://pbslearningmedia.org  search "cells for kids",  Click on Job Play: Medical Lab Tech

4.    http://biology4kids.com

5.      http://studyjams.scholastic.com   :   Click on Science, click on Plants, then Plant cells, and watch the slide show

                                      Click on Animals, then Animal cells, and watch the slide show

Click on the following websites to explore Body Systems.


                                                  www.biology4kids.com     Click on animal systems

                                                             www.kidsbiology.com     click on Human Biology

                                                                       www.kidshealth.org     click on "For Kids" then click "How the Body Works"