Teacher Resources

  • 21C.O.9-12.1.LS1 – Student recognizes information needed for problem solving, can efficiently browse, search and navigate online to access relevant information, evaluates information based on credibility, social, economic, political and/or ethical issues, and presents findings clearly and persuasively using a range of technology tools and media.
  • 21C.O.9-12.3.TT8 – Student uses technology to seek strategies and information to address limits in their own knowledge.
  • RLA. –  research, evaluate and critique the historical, cultural, political and biographical influences to determine the impact on literary works.
  • RLA.O.12.1.10 – use knowledge of the history, cultural diversity, politics, and effects of language to comprehend and elaborate on the meaning of texts to expand vocabulary, and to draw connections to self and the real world.
  • RLA.O.12.2.02 – generate a clearly worded and effectively placed thesis statement to develop a document (e.g., composition, essay, literary critique, research paper) that has a clear, logical progression of ideas in the introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • RLA.O.12.2.03 – identify, evaluate, and analyze information (e.g., primary and secondary sources, print and electronic media, personal interview) and recognize the concepts of intellectual property and plagiarism in all media (e.g., media copyright laws, private/public domain).
  • RLA.O.12.2.05 – use, plan and incorporate varied note taking skills to organize and synthesize information from print and electronic primary and secondary sources (e.g., Internet, reference books, electronic databases for periodicals and newspapers) into an outline (introduction, thesis/hypothesis, main points, supporting details/examples, conclusion) to develop a composition or research project.
  • SS.C.O.12.02.29 – develop and explain civic dispositions (habits of the heart) that pervade all aspects of citizenship and personal traits of private and public character essential to the preservation and improvement of American constitutional democracy, relate how American constitutional democracy cannot accomplish its purposes unless its citizens actively participate in public policy and civic life.
  • VA.O.AH.3.01 – identify and compare a variety of cultural influences on art. e.g., economic, political, religious.
  • VA.O.AH.3.04 – explain the process of how artists  find subject matter, and ideas in creating art.
 Literacy Strategies 
  • Directed Reading/Thinking Activity (DR/TA)
  • Dialogue Journal
  • Role/Audience/Format/Topic (RAFT)



Billmeyer, R. & Barton, M.L. (1998). Teaching Reading in the Content Areas: If Not Me, Then Who? Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning: Denver, CO.














Wallace, D. F. (2006). Consider the Lobster and Other Essays. “The View from Mrs. Thompson’s.” Back Bay Books: New York, NY.



