Grading & Classroom Expectations


  • Grading Scale:    A: 90-100%;     B: 80-89.9%;      C: 70-79.9%;      D: 60-69.9%;      F: 0-59.9%
  • Breakdown of Grades:
    • Tests = 35%
    • Essays = 35%
    • Quizzes = 10%
    • Group Project = 10%
    • Class Participation = 5%
    • Homework = 5%
      • Points will be deducted each day the assignment is late.  After the 3rd day you will receive an incomplete (0%)

Test Retakes / Essay Rewrites:

Students will be able to retake any test or rewrite any essay that you are unhappy with the grade, but you must follow these requirements:

  1. It must be done three days after you received your grade
  2. It must be done during study hall or after school
  3. The maximum grade you can receive will be an 85%
  4. Parent must sign consent form


Classroom expectations: Students will be discussing large existential questions.  This is a safe place to learn and form new ideas and views, therefore I encourage risk taking.  To create this safe learning environment Students will follow the rules below to the best of their abilities.

  • Respect of all Student’s backgrounds
  • Active listening and new perspective taking
  • Tolerance of new and varying opinions