Professional Practice - Element 5

Element 5

Teachers create and maintain safe and challenging learning environmnets through the use of classroom management skills

I have always aimed to develop rapport with all students no matter how rude or disrespectful they are. I do not have proof or evidence to back up my statement but I know that I always wish for the best in my students and that I take time to genuinely get to know them. I have also establish supportive learning environments where students feel safe to risk full participation. I establish this by motivating students to answer questions, giving opportunities for all students, respecting all responses, asking each other to help and not making funny or rude faces when students respond.

One example of where I have set up a safe environment is when my quiet students spoke up to answer a question. I achieved this by writing each child's initial on the board and asking for all answers. This gave them confidence and then when we discuss the right and wrong answer, they were more willing to listen and understand and ask further questions if needed. I provide clear directions to my students during my learning activities to ensure that all is understood and for smooth flow. I also write up my instructions to meet the needs of the students.

My behaviour management strategy is DEMOCRATIC. Students and I will be working together to develop rules, responsibilities and consequences. There will be no punishments as students only see upon the punisher and want revenge. Instead, encouragement is offered as encouragement focuses on effort rather than achievement of the end reuslt and stimulates students to continue trying their best (Edwards & Watts, 2004, pp.107-109).

I will develop more strategies to make my directions more clear. I need to do this by developing a structural system where students know what is expected in terms of work and behaviour. I feel if there is a strict structure, students respond. I feel that I have inadequate knowledge and training in terms of allergic reactions and anaphalytics. This is a situation where I would not be able to keep a child a safe as I would like to. To achieve this goal, I will need to attend professional development and if possible, an allergy prevention session. 

I believe that my classroom will be filled with positive and respectful children who love their classroom. I will show students the respect I expect for them to have towards any living thing. Not only me, but anyone who walks in to their classroom. I believe that if students develop genuine respect and high expectations (Quality Teaching Framework), classroom misbehaviour will be reduced alongside fun and meaningful work. With having said this, I believe that this will keep my students safe. Also I will continuously develop my knowledge and understanding of the policies that keep students safe including Child Protection, Anti- Discrimination and Student Welfare (DET website). Behaviour management is a collaborative decision made by the students and teacher, for the students, by the students! I believe the following strategies are effective for me:

- building a positive relationship with the students to understand them

- meeting their needs (misbehaviour came about when students had no work to do)

- organisation is evident in terms of my lessons as well as the school day

- enjoying the students' company

- providing chances and choices to the students: self regulation (Quality Teaching Framework)

- going through with set responsibilites and rules and consequences

- showing the child, that the negative ways do not have to be the way to go, there are better ways

I am very passionate about behaviour management, looking deeply into challenging behaviours.

Just remember, all children are the future and need to be given hope and care.