Week 1 Language

You will have only 30 minutes to complete the assignments in this group.   Record information on Assignment Sheet. You are expected to complete all assignments below.

#Reading Comprehension (From this one site, select at least 5 different stories to read and answer questions.) 

#Word Confusion         

#Scramble Saurus         

#2Bee or Nottobee      

#Sentence Battleship   

#Spell Check

#Grammar Blast

#Apostrophes (don't print)

#Apostrophe Game

# Commas with Coordinating Conjunctions (js)

# Commas with Introductory Elements (js)

# Commas: Fill-in-the-blanks (js)

# Comma Usage (js)

# Punctuation: Fill-in-the-blanks (js)

Punctuation (cgi)

# Punctuation II (js)

# Punctuation III (js)

# Punctuation IV (js)