Home Buyers Guide

How Many Houses Should I Visit Before Purchasing?


Buying a home is a fairly large purchase no matter your financial position. There’s a lot to think about before buying a home, and like with any large purchase, comparison shopping is usually recommended. This means visiting multiple houses to see what’s available in your price range and which houses are going to feel like home.

Visiting multiple houses before making a purchase also helps you get a better understanding of the market, and this can be a benefit if you plan to negotiate on the price of a home. Although most homebuyers know they should visit multiple homes before making a purchase, you may be wondering exactly how many homes you should visit. Is there a specific number, or is there more of a general range?

Below, we offer a short home buyers guide about how many homes you should visit before purchasing:

Start With Your Goals

The home you’re after is unique to you, so always start with your goals. There’s no sense in setting an arbitrary number of homes to visit if there aren’t enough homes in your area that meet your criteria.

Instead, focus on your goals to see how many homes meet your needs in the areas where you’re looking. From there, visit as many homes as you reasonably can. We’ve included this tip in our home buyers guide to help you maximize your time and avoid inefficiencies.

Ask a Realtor

If you’re still not sure how many or which homes you should visit, ask a local Realtor. These are people who will have a good grasp on the local market, and they should be able to guide you to homes that meet your needs. A Realtor can also set up showings for you to once again maximize your time and make the process of visiting homes more efficient.

Don’t Visit Too Many

Although we don’t want to provide a specific number of homes you should visit, we also want to caution against stretching yourself too thin. Visiting too many homes can make the home-buying process confusing if you’re faced with too many choices. If you find yourself having a hard time remembering which homes you’ve visited, it may be time to stop and lay out your options to make a final decision.

Read a similar article about current real estate listings here at this page.