Guided Reading Questions

Although GRQs for each unit go into the gradebook individually as an informal grade, please remember that they are averaged at the end of unit for a formative (quiz) grade.  Each Answer must contain a piece of embedded textual evidence unless specified in the instructions. 



Honors World Lit/Composition



"A Sound of Thunder" Full Text

"The Yellow Wallpaper" Full Text

"The Masque of the Red Death" FULL TEXT

"Where Are You Going? Where Have You Been?" FULL TEXT


UNIT 2: Lord of the Flies 


Lord of the Flies FULL TEXT

Notes of Critical Lenses


Lord of the Flies Ch. 3 GRQs


  1. How does the author’s diction on pages 56-57 shape your understanding of Simon?
  2. What significance is there in the details of Jack and Ralph’s conversation? What is happening between them? How does Golding accomplish this?




  1. Discuss the character of Simon. How is he similar to or different from the other characters? What or whom could he be representative of? NO QUOTE NEEDED.




Lord of the Flies Ch. 8 GRQs – Answer each question in complete sentences. You have at least one embedded quote in each answer with correct parenetical citations.


1. Consider the following quote:

“There isn’t anyone to help you. Only me. And I’m the Beast. . . . Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could hunt and kill!”

Apply a critical literary lens of your choice to your reading of this quote. What larger theme or big idea does it assert?

2. What happens to Simon after the hunters leave his clearing? What is the “lord of the flies”? What does it represent? How does it talk to Simon—what does its speech really indicate?



Directions. Answer ONE of the following questions in complete sentences making sure to INCLUDE TEXTUAL EVIDENCE for the response. You don’t have to write a paragraph, but your answers should be complete. You must embed the textual evidence and cite it correctly. Make sure you answer all parts of the question to receive full credit.


  1. Why does Piggy want to hold an assembly (not the obvious reason – think about the psychological purpose having an assembly serves for him)?
  2. How capable is Piggy without his glasses? How does this relate to World War 2?
  3. SOCIOECONOMIC: What does the following quote tell you about human nature?

“They understood only too well the liberation into savagery that the concealing paint brought” (Golding 172)?

  1. How has Jack’s face paint changed? Why is this significant? What do the colors symbolize?
  2. What does the comment about tying Ralph’s hair “like a girl” say about gender and society?



Multicultural Studies

Cultural criticism is a recent movement in criticism that is interdisciplinary by extending the range of examined texts beyond just the literary works themselves to objects or practices that can be interpreted as representative of a culture’s beliefs, values, laws, for example. Practitioners of cultural criticism view a text in relation to the dominant or competing ideologies (belief systems) of the time and place in which the text was written. Works are therefore considered in light of their historical and cultural contexts. For example, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness may be read in terms of practices of European imperialists, race relations in Africa, or the economic history of ivory and other raw products in the continent.

1.  What does the work reveal about the cultural behavior contemporary to it?
2.  How does popular culture contemporary to the work reflect or challenge the values implicit or explicit in the work?
3. What kinds of cultural documents contemporary to the work add to your reading of it?
4.  How do your own cultural assumptions affect your reading of the work and the culture contemporary to it?

5. How does the text portray another society’s culture and beliefs? Positively? Negatively? A mix of both?


New Historicism is a range of critical practices that examine works in their cultural and historical contexts. Practitioners of the critical movement developed it by examining a wide range of texts such as newspapers, advertisements, popular music, historical accounts, poetry, novels, and diaries. Practitioners believe that works cannot be viewed in isolation from history and culture. A reading of a work must take into account its intention, genre, and historical situation.

1.  How does the work reflect the period in which it is written?
2.  What literary or historical influences helped to shape the form and content of the work?
3.  How important is the historical context to interpreting the work?

4. Are there any specific events, characters, or symbols that connect to other examples history and/or modern day?

5. Does the text discuss any specific historical events? In what light?

Marxist/ Socioeconomic

Based on the writings of Karl Marx (1818-1883) this school of thought contends that history and culture is largely a struggle between economic classes, and literature is often a reflection of the attitudes and interests of the dominant class. An often-repeated statement from Marx expresses a basic idea specific to this form of criticism. “It’s not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but on the contrary, their social being that determines their consciousness”.
1.  How are class differences presented in the work?  Are characters aware or unaware of the economic and social forces that affect their lives?
2.  How do economic conditions determine the characters' lives?
3.  What ideological values are explicit or implicit?

4.Which class(es) does the work claim to represent?

5.What values does it reinforce? What values does it subvert?


Feminist Criticism is literary criticism based on feminist theories. It considers texts with the knowledge that societies treat men and women inequitably. Feminist criticism will analyze texts in light of patriarchal (male dominated) cultural institutions, phallocentric (male centred) language, masculine and feminine stereotypes, and the unequal treatment of male and female writers. Feminist criticism developed primarily in the 1960’s and 1970’s, although it is evident in earlier works as well, for example in the works of Virginia Woolf and Mary Wollstonecraft. More recent feminist and gender studies investigate social constructions related to gender as they appear in literature.

1. How are women portrayed in the text? Is this portrayal a positive or negative depiction of women?
2. What roles, occupations, or actions do the women characters engage in? Is this a traditional or non-traditional role?
3. Examine female relationships between each other: is this positive and supportive or adversarial? How do females interact with males? Vice versa.

4.  How are the lives of men and women portrayed in the work?  Do the men and women in the work accept or reject these roles?
5.  Does the work challenge or affirm traditional ideas about men and women?


Psychoanalytic criticism is literary criticism grounded in psychoanalytic theory of the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). Practitioners attempt to psychoanalyze the author’s unconscious desires, the reader’s responses, and the characters in the work. The last approach involves examining the text for symbols and psychological complexes. In addition to Freud, key figures are psychiatrist Carl Jung and, most recently, Jacques Lacan.

1.  How does the work reflect the author's personal psychology or philosophy regarding human nature?
2.  What do the characters' emotions and behavior reveal about their psychological states? What types of personalities are they?
3.  Are psychological matters such as repression, dreams, and desire presented consciously or unconsciously by the author?

4. What motivates characters? What’s the significance of intrinsic or extrinsic motivation?

5. Discuss the presence of any specific psychological disorder, pattern, or theory (sociopathy vs. psychopathy, Id, Ego, Superego, Nature vs. Nurture, etc.).


Archetypal criticism is a critical approach to literature that seeks to find and understand the purpose of archetypes within literature. These archetypes may be themes, such as love, characterizations, such as the hero; or patterns, such as death and rebirth. Archetypal criticism draws on the works of the psychoanalyst Carl Jung, literary critic Northrop Frye, and others. Unlike psychoanalytic critics, archetypal critics such as Frye do not attempt to explain why the archetypes exist

1.  How does the story resemble other stories in plot, character, setting, or use of symbols?
2.  Are archetypes presented, such as quests, initiations, scapegoats, or withdrawals and returns?
3.  Does the protagonist undergo any kind of transformation such as a movement from innocence to experience that seems archetypal?
4.  Do any specific allusions or myths shed light on the text?

5. What character archetypes are present? What larger lessons/themes do they teach the reader?

Religious/ Faith-Based

Religion has always been an integral part of the literary tradition: many canonical and non-canonical texts engage extensively with religious ideas, and the development of English Literature as a professional discipline began with an explicit consideration of the relationship between religion and literature. Literature also plays an important role in religious writing, as twentieth-century work on narrative theology has acknowledged. Both the recent theological turn of literary theory and the renewed political significance of religious debate in contemporary western culture have generated further interest in this interdisciplinary area. 

1. Discuss the presence of any specific archetypes that align with another sacred text.

2. What types of allusions are there in the text? How does this add to some sort of larger truth universal in both Lord of the Flies and a sacred text.

3. Does the text question or reinforce the rules/commandments and beliefs of a specific religion.

4. Does the text incorporate several religious/ spiritual points of view? What are their relationships to one another?












World Lit/Composition


"A Sound of Thunder" Full Text



UNIT 1: Of Mice and Men


Of Mice and Men Full Text


Of Mice and Men Audio- CHAPTER 1

Of Mice and Men Audio- CHAPTER 2

Of Mice and Men Audio- CHAPTER 3

Of Mice and Men Audio- CHAPTER 4

Of Mice and Men Audio- CHAPTER 5

Of Mice and Men Audio- CHAPTER 6



Of Mice and Men Ch. 1 GRQs

You must answer each question in complete sentences and include a piece of embedded textual evidence. If you fail to include a direct quote, it will be half off the entire answer.

Example Embedding:

  1. Which theme does Geroge and Lennie show us in chapter one?
  2. Choose one mood from the chapter. Then, write a TED paragraph to analyze the mood.


TOPIC: In chapter one of John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, the mood is _____.

EVDIENCE: This is shown when “ _____” (PAGE #).

DESCRIBE: This shows a (synonym for chosen mood) mood because ________.



Of Mice and Men Ch. 3 GRQs

Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Make sure to embed and cite a quote for each answer.

  1. How is Candy like his dog? What does this tell you about the life of a migrant worker?
  2. When does the mood change from positive to negative? What happens? Ascribe a specific mood words in your answer.

ExampleThe mood shifts from _____ to ____ when _______....


Of Mice and Men Ch. 4 GRQs

  1. What theme does Crook teach us? Embed a quote to defend your reasoning.
  2. Write a TED explaining a mood from today.


Of Mice and Men Ch. 5 GRQs OPTIONAL

  1. What different perspective do we get of Curley’s wife? Embed a quote to defend your reasoning.
  2. Discuss TWO different moods in the chapter. Embed one quote to discuss the presence of one of your moods.



UNIT 2: Lord of the Flies


Lord of the Flies FULL TEXT



Lord of the Flies Ch. 1 GRQs

Indirect Characterization:







Pick one character from the reading today and define them using ONE method of I.D. characterization. Embed a quote to defend your reasoning.


Example answer template:

(Character name) can be described as ______.

This is shown when “fhu9wty2837” (Golding #).

This shows that he is _____ because….



2) Choose a different character from yesterday and complete a TED over their characterization.







Lord of the Flies Ch. 2

  1. Choose Ralph, Piggy, or Jack from today’s reading. What theme does he help to teach us? Embed a quote to defend your reasoning.
  2. Discuss what the CONCH or the FIRE could mean symbolically. Embed a quote to show the meaning of this symbol.



Lord of the Flies Ch. 4 GRQs

  1. Review the COLORS section of your Archetypes sheet. Then, explain how one color of Jack’s face paint helps to characterize him.



T: The color ___ helps to characterize Jack as ____.

E: This color appears when “…” (#).

D: This helps to characterize him as ____ because ….



  1. Properly identify and state a THEME from today’s reading. Embed a quote to show us what larger lesson is being taught.


Write a TED for your character from chapter 4.


Ch. 5 Lord of the Flies- Embed a quote for every answer.



  1. Discuss Ralph’s character as the chapter opens. What’s happening to him?


  1. What is significant about the time they’re meeting for assembly? Look for an implied theme that emerges as the assembly carries on.


Ch. 8/9 GRQs

  1. What is an implied or stated theme from today’s reading? Embed a quote.
  2. Write a TED over a character of your choice discussing a specific character trait.
  3. How does Simon fit the "Christ figure" archetpye? Embed a quote to defend your reasoning. You may pull evidence from ch. 8 or 9.