Applications of Java Programming Language


1. Java Mobile Applications

Let's start by saying that Android OS is built on Java and Android phones have an over 85 percent. This is not even counting the fact that the majority of mobile app developers use Java the official language for programming. Java works with apps creating software like Kotlin or Android Studio. Java Platform, Micro Edition (alternately known as Java ME or J2ME) serves as a cross-platform platform to create applications that run across all devices that support Java. Consider all this into consideration and keep in mind that mobile computing has surpassed desktop computing at present and you'll imagine how you will never be able to get away with Java.

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2. Java Desktop GUI Applications

GUI is a shorthand for Graphic User Interface, and Java allows GUI development with resources such as Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT), JavaFX, and Swing. AWT comes with a number of pre-built components like buttons menu, list as well as a number of third-party components. JavaFX comprises several media and graphics applications which offer Swing interoperability as well as 3D graphics functions. Swing is an GUI widget that provides advanced features such as scroll panes, lists, tabbed panels, tables and even trees.

Although mobile computing is the dominant feature of the market of today however, there's still a demand for desktop-based applications. With these tools, developers can create any desktop application.

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3. Java Web-based Applications

Java offers high security and easy coding, two aspects that draw web developers. Struts, Servlets, and JSPs offer a reliable support for web applications , and have the possibility of developing any kind of program is needed. In addition, open-source e-commerce platforms such as Broadleaf allows the creation of e-commerce applications an easy task.

4. Java Web Servers and Application Servers

The extensive Java ecosystem has led to a variety of Java applications and web servers. Web server space houses various servlets such as Apache Tomcat, Project Jigsaw as well as Rimfaxe Web Server (RWS). In addition, servlets such as WebLogic, WebSphere, and JBoss EAP have a firm place in the application server market for commercial applications.

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5. Java Enterprise Applications

Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is a well-known platform that provides APIs and runtime environments for tasks that require scripting such as web services and network applications, just to name two. Based on Oracle, Java runs on 97% of the computers owned by enterprises. Java is also acknowledged as the basis for a variety of banking software applications that utilize Java throughout their entire procedure, from front-end users through backend servers. Additionally, Java's capability of keeping up with high-performance is a great option for high-frequency trading platforms such as Murex.

6. Java Scientific Applications

Calculations and mathematical operations in the field of science require applications that are extremely speedy and secure, as well as easy to maintain, and portable. Java is a great choice for this. Highly efficient scientific programs like MATLAB depend on Java as a part of the system's core and interactive with users via user interfaces.

7. Java Gaming Applications

Java and gaming are an ideal match. Java is compatible with gaming with the jMonkey engine, which is one of the most powerful 3D engines currently available. Additionally, 2D games are easy as well. Just pair Java with CSS and you're set to go. Also, whatever type of game developers are creating, Java has them covered.

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8. Java Big Data Technologies

Big data is the talk of the town nowadays, and it's not surprise that Java is in the middle of it. Let's begin by saying that Hadoop is, perhaps the most popular and widely used large-scale data system, was developed in Java. Furthermore, Scala, a competing programming language, has its beginnings to Java. Scala was developed to fix some of Java's shortcomings.


Four programming languages battle it out in the realm of Big Data, all of trying to be the top and most popular: Java, Scala, R and Python.