
8th Grade Religion

Teacher: Ms. Whitaker Email


Click here for 8th Religion Syllabus



Upcoming Assessments:     



Monday 9/18 - Project Notes for Biblical Figure Brochure due Friday 9/22

Tuesday 9/19 - same as above

Wednesday 9/20 - same as above

                                  Finish the questions for The Stories of Esther and the Maccabees by Friday

Thursday 9/21 - Project Notes due tomorrow

Friday 9/22- None


Upcoming Assessments:     

Religon Test on Encoutner Sessions 1-4 Tuesday, September 12


Monday 9/4 - No School

Tuesday 9/5 -Complete the "What I Learned Column" of Biblical Figures Chart if necessary

                           Complete Session Three Question if necessary

Wednesday 9/6 - Work on Study Guide

Thursday 9/7 - Work on Study Guide

Friday 9/8 - Study Guide due Friday, September 8


Week of 8/28- 9/1

Upcoming Assessments:     



Monday 8/28 - Complete Biblical Figures chart for Abraham through Moses if necessary

                            Answer Session 3 question on Session Questions page if necessary

Tuesday 8/29 -None

Wednesday 8/30 - None

Thursday 8/31 - None

Friday 9/1 - None


Week of 8/21 - 8/25

Upcoming Assessments:     



Monday 8/21 - Finish Session One and/or Bible Interview questions if necessary

                            Review Genesis 1-2 in Bible. Take notes of differences between chapters.

Tuesday 8/22 - If absent, watch first 15 minutes of the Session Two video on Encounter site (  Fill in information on pages 6 and 7 that relate to this portion of the video.

Wednesday 8/23 - 

If you are absent from school, watch the Session Two Video from the Ascension website ( and answer the questions on pages 6 and 7 in the Encounter book as you watch.

Homework is to complete the Session 2 question. This is in your Encounter One Note folder on the Session Questions page. 

Thursday 8/24 - 

Friday 8/25 - 


Week of 8/14 - 8/18

Upcoming Assessments:     



Monday 8/14 - None

Tuesday 8/15 - None

Wednesday 8/16 - None

Thursday 8/17 - None

Friday 8/18 - None