
Diving into the Future of Tyres: The 21st Century Revolution


A new age calls for a change in the world of tyres. So, it is happening quicker than we realize. There are many new methods that companies follow to adapt to greener ways. As the rubber in tyres is famous for polluting our world. So, we need to take measures that can keep the world clean and our rides safe. Luckily, with the rise of the 21st century, there are different technologies that help us in doing so. So, join us to learn how tyre shops in Dubai adapt to these changes.

Special Tyres and Design

There are around 3 million vehicles running on the roads of UAE. With this rise in cars, the region has become a hub for every type of car. Be it your luxurious sedan or an exotic supercar, Dubai has it all. But with this rise comes another factor: tyres. Tyres are the main players when it comes to supporting a car. So, every car has a tyre that has the right design to support its needs. This calls for a change in design and making that newer car makers are rapidly adopting. So, the world is turning to greener solutions to help protect you. But what are these new ways in the tyre world? Let’s find out!

Long Lasting Tyres

Many tyre makers are focusing on making tyres that last longer. Their focus is also to lessen the amount of rubber that’s going into these tyres. As this makes sure that they don’t use up a lot of energy in the process. All this while maintaining the quality and meeting customer standards. As tyres will have a lesser mass, they’ll have a lesser impact on polluting the world. But it won’t be at the cost of using more tyres. As these ones will last you the same as the old ones. Moreover, engineers are using a combo of different materials that increases the load capacity of the tyres. This, too, in turn, reduces the amount of material that makes up the tyre. While this technology is fairly new and only seen in the European market. It won’t be long before the UAE drivers have these in their cars.

Treading, Reusing, and Retreading

The tyre treads have seen a massive change in recent years. This is because newer technologies and research are changing the horizon of this field. So, if you compare today’s tyre with one from a couple of years back, you’ll see a clear change. This is in the tread design on the tyre, which makes it perform better and save up on materials. This main change is the “sipes” in the tread. These are the little slits along the tread that make the design more 3D. This makes users use all-season tyres for almost every driving condition.

Moreover, retreading is another trend of the new world. This allows worn-out tyres to regain their treads, giving them a new life. This option is not only safe for driving but also safer for the world. While this practice might be old, this century has given it another shot. So it reduces the overall use of materials that new tyres need. Thus, helping tyre makers cut down on environmental harm.

Recycling for Tyre Parts

Newer technologies and ways use waste from other sources to get materials for tyres. For example, the main material of foam for packaging is really useful for making tyres. Did you know that the food box you threw away might be in your tyre today? That’s right. The polystyrene undergoes a process that changes it into rubber. This can then make up your car’s tyre. So, there are many similar ways in which one man’s trash becomes another man’s treasure.

Moreover, plastic is another thing that goes into your tyres. For example, plastic from bottles breaks down to make simpler molecules. This, then undergoes a process to make the material that makes tyres stronger. Using these methods helps tyre makers in cutting down on natural resources. It also helps them make the world a greener place by reusing waste in a better way.

Environmental Impact

With the change from oil-run cars to EV cars, the scenario is different. The users who drive these EV cars are more responsible than other drivers. So makers are working towards greener tyres to serve the purpose. But as many drivers aren’t yet comfortable with it, the problem remains. So tyre makers are mainly focusing on making tyres from greener materials. Thus reducing the overall carbon footprint of these car essentials.

Using Greener Raw Materials

Another new way that this era brings is the use of greener raw materials. So tyre makers are using biomass from plants and animals. As rubber comes from rubber trees, and reusing this rubber is the goal. So, reusing and recycling these materials will help us make a greener world.

Future of Green Tyres

If we talk about bigger vehicles like trucks, reusing tyres is perfect. As you can retread their tyres and have them as good as new. This will also cut down on the cost of buying a new pair every time. Moreover, it also cuts down on pollution from waste rubber.

While the future of tyres holds a lot of new, more genius solutions. These include using the right amount of air in the tyres to support them. Moreover, rumors have it that soon; we’ll be driving on airless tyres. So, sit tight and stay ready to uncover what the future of tyres holds.

Airless Tyres

While airless tyres are not a new concept, but we haven’t seen them in action yet. Tyre makers are working towards this new idea to make it a reality. But in the older days, leather and steel were the main materials of a tyre. Thus, history is repeating itself, and we are going back to airless tyres. But this time, this tyre has a mesh that holds it up in place. This also keeps it soft enough to drive easily on rough and even roads likewise.

Let’s Drive Off

Now that we know about the future of our beloved tyres. It’s time to visit the best EV car Tyre Shops in Dubai! Visit the Central Trading Company in Dubai and get the best deals on the Tyres Dubai.