Can We Control Weight Loss and Metabolism?

Have you ever wondered if your supplements for metabolism really decreases with age and if there is a link between weight loss and metabolism supplement? Do we just get fat as we get older? But before answering this question, let's define what metabolism is. Metabolism is the amount of energy that the body uses on a daily basis. The basal metabolic rate represents about 80% of the calorie expenditure for maintaining the proper functioning of our organs. The rest of the metabolism is used to break down our daily activities.

Exercise and strength training
The biggest impact we can have on metabolism and weight loss is through activity or exercise. The fact is that a more active person has a higher metabolism. A best metabolism  supplement effect can be increased over time by incorporating more exercise. Walking, running or cycling regularly will boost your metabolism which promotes weight loss.

Strength training or weight training will increase metabolism more than muscle growth. Muscle burns more calories than fat and therefore a more muscular body will have a higher metabolism. This is why men have a higher metabolism than women because they are generally more muscular. And, perhaps this is why men are more tolerant of consuming more fatty foods, such as ice cream.


Eating and eating habits
The food you eat also affects your metabolism. Foods high in sugar, saturated fats and artificial sweeteners slow down digestion and cause weight gain. Eating a balanced diet with whole foods (nuts, fruits and vegetables, beans, legumes, nuts, nuts, lean meats and fish) will provide the proteins, carbohydrates and fats that give your body energy, and balance. blood sugar. I would like. Another advantage of eating whole foods is that they take longer to make you feel fuller.

The amount you eat also affects your metabolism. Eating too much or eating on the go causes energy changes in the body. This inconsistency forces the body to reduce metabolism to store energy, to store food as fat. On the other hand, if a person eats a balanced diet or snack every 3 to 4 hours, the body will digest food more efficiently and provide steady energy. This steady energy level will increase metabolism and help with weight loss.
Therefore, metabolism and weight loss can be controlled with a regular balanced diet.

Sleep habits
Sleep or malnutrition can affect metabolism. In today's modern industrial society, sleep deprivation is often the result of work stress. Studies show that chronic sleep deprivation negatively affects the metabolism, reducing the body's ability to control glucose levels. Sleep deprivation causes hormonal imbalances, and most importantly, elevated levels of the hormone cortisol with a lack of restful sleep. Cortisol increases appetite despite eating a lot of food, increasing the metabolic rate. Regular restful sleep will help regulate metabolism.

Our environment
People with low activity levels will continue to burn calories and have a basic metabolic rate. Humans are homothermic which means that our body works to keep our body in a tight heat loop. When we are cold we burn more fuel to warm ourselves and when we are hot our body works to remove excess heat. Heat is removed mainly by transport and radiation, but when we are active our body also uses evaporative coolant or sweat to remove excess heat. We can influence our metabolism by controlling the climate. By keeping the temperature lower, the body is forced to take a metabolic supplement. In addition, by exercising outdoors at colder temperatures, we can further increase our metabolism. However, it should be considered as a side effect of exercise.


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