8-23: Write a 1-page description of the Conocimiento
8-24: The question of Race Poem
8-25: Myself the writer response log/baseline
8-26: No Homework (=
8-27: Reflection on first week of Puente
8-30: T-chart for Birth Order Research (BOR)
8-31: No Homework (=
9-1: Back To School Night
9-2: A)Final BOR Essay
B)late work
9-3: A)Final Draft BOR
B)Inference Table with 3CDs and 3CMs for first 4 chapters of HOMS
C)Hairs Modelling Assignment
9-6: No School (=
9-7: A)"What's in a Name" Handout
B)Write your own My Name Vignette
9-8: A)Finish Side & #1 Of Lit Map
B)Write A One Page Reflection on the story
9-10:A) Finish Side & #1 Of Lit Map
B)Write A One Pafe Reflection on "The Circuit"
9/13: A)Read and Write ITs for Pg.56-64
B)Rewrite your literary analysis of HOMS using inference tables (ITs)
9/15: Talk to the text and find two golden lines to "Yo Soy Joachin by Corky Gonzalez"
9/16: Rewrite My name and Hairs final draft, add more description!
9/20: HOMS pg.65-75
9/21: A)Rewrite 4 skinny trees outline into 3 paragraphs (Intro & 2 Body paragraphs)
B)Read Pg.76-85 of HOMS
9/22: A) Reflection on Rafaela
B) Read HOMS Pg.86-93 with IT and figurative language post it notes
9/23: Write a Reflection on "Sally" & find A golden line
9/24: A) HOMS read pg.94-102 (Monkey Garden, Red Clowns,Lindeum Roses)
B) Post it notes on every chapter and Inference tables
C) Start designing your final lit map
9/27: Complete side one of lit map
9/28: A) Write a thesis sentence explaining what your essay will be about
B) make a list 3-6 vignettes you wish to use
9/29: HOMS 1st. draft literary analysis
9/30: 2nd draft on HOMS essay must be typed
10/1: Edit & type "My First Day in College"
10/4: Finish miising vignette assigment (must be typed)
10/5: A)Design First Draft of Cover
B)Make Changes to My Name and Hairs Asignment
10/6: Work on Puente Potfolio
10/7: Work on your Puente Potfolio
10/8: Finish Puente Writing Porfolio
10/11: Finish Puente Portfolio
10/12: A) Review your HOMS lit analysis essay
B)Show your parents your portfolio and write a reflection on their responce
10/13: Practice your skit
10/14: No Homework(=
10/15: Read Enrique's Journey and talk to the text
10/18: A) Answer Questions 1-7
B) Read Enriques Journey and talk to the text
10/19: Write a Prediction on whats going to happen next in the movie El Norte
10/20: Continue with Enrique's Journey Pages 24-37 stop at section "An Education" Talk to the text
10/21: Same
10/22: A) Read and talk to the text pages 38-49, stop at "Perseverance"
B) write a one page reflection on anything yo have read so far
10/25: A)Finish reading
10/26: A)Sketch your rough draft
B) Finish dia de los muertos reflection
10/27: Finish reflection
10/28: Finish:
A) play
B) death poem
10/29: No homework (=
11/01: No school(=
11/02: Whille reading enriques journey searsh for
1) the importnce of phone numbers
2) dangers at traveling by train
3) hiding from the Mara Salvatrucha
11/03: NONE(=
11/04: NONE(=
11/05: Write about what imigration ia really about
11/08: A) Type Enriques Journey/Sin Nombre reflection
B) Finish 1 page reflection on Cesar Chavez quote
11/09: NO HOMEWORK(=
11/10: 1 page reflection on _____ Leader
11/11: NO SCHOOL
11/12: Write a 2 page reflection on what happen in the conferance
11/15: Write a Reflection Explainning the Gender Roles and Traditions in our Family
11/16: A) Make a Family Tree
B) Define Vocabulary words using Dictionary
C) Read up to page 10
11/17: A)Magical realism p.2-3
B) similie metaphor handout p.4
11/18: read all the way to april and answer questions
11/19: Write a one Page Reflection on how the author uses majical Realism as a Similie/Mataphor
11/22: Finish Family Tree
11/23: A) Read May-June-July
B) Answer questions
C) Find one quote on each chapter of Majical Realism
11/29: No Homework(=
11/30: A) Read Ch 8 and 9
B) Chapter 8 organizor
12/01: A) Finish September
B)Read October and Do Reading Questions
12/02: No Homework(=
12/3/10: A) LWFC Outline hand out
B) LWFC Lit Map
12/6/10: No Homework
12/7/10: First Draft of LWFC Essay
12/8/10: Second Draft of LWFC Essay (typed)
12/9/10: One page reflection on the theme of "The Christmas Tree"
12/10/10: 500 word reflection on Dr.King's "I have a Dream" speech, and how it relates to the
"The Dream Act'
12/13/10: 40 word reflection on whats "The Dream Act"
12/16/10: Read Chapter One on "To Kill a Mockingbird" and answer the character information
12/17/10: A)Read Chapters 1-10 and answer questions on the chapters
B)Study Vocabulary
01/03/11:NO HOMEWORK(=
01/04/11: Read chapters 11-14 and answer qustions
01/05/11: Read chapters 15-16, and answer questions
01/10/11: Finnish book and answer questions, 1-2 page literary analysis outline
01/19/11: Prediction on how you will do in all your classes in this second semester
01/20/11: Write a reflection on one of the heroes
01/24/11: Write about the poem "Elena"
01/25/11: Rewrite (type)literary analizys of "Elena"
01/26/11: A) Read to the text and answer questions for Chicano 2
B) Read and talk to the text on Chicano 3
01/28/11: Research on Chicano movement and hero
01/31/11: No homework(=
02/01/11: Talk to text on the Rise of the Chicano student movement and Chicano Nationalism
02/02/11: Re-design your Time Line
02/03/11: Write a refletion about the video "Fight in the Fields"
02/07/11: Write 3 Paragraphs about the sentences you did with nouns
02/08/11: Interview parents about The Bracero program
02/09/11: Reflection on the video of The Braceros
02/11/11: Read pg's.81-91, 97-112; chose a story to reflect on
02/14/11: A) write a reflection on a valentines memory
B) Finish inference tables