Classroom Activities

Week 1  (9/05-9/07)

Getting to Know Each Other

To get to know the students I did a fun activity with them where they had to sort themselves in the correct groups based on pictures they had. After they figured out their groups, they learned 3 things about me! Each student then wrote 3 things about themselves on the back of their cards that they could share to the class!


Week 2 (9/11-9/15)

Morning Work

Every morning the students are given something new to write about or reflect on. This morning their prompt was to tell me something that they would like me to know. This was a nice little extension activity from what we did the week prior and I love getting to learn more and more about my students. Here is London's morning work telling me what she would like me to know about her.     



Week 3 (9/18-9/22)

Books using Sequene Words

This week students have started the beginning stages of creating a book with their own chosen topic. They have just learned about using sequence words (First, then, next, last) and are practicing using them before beginning their books!


Week 4 (9/25-9/29)

Class Jobs

This week class jobs were introduced and students got to choose what jobs were needed in the classroom and explained what these jobs looked like! After this week students will get to pick what job they would like to do for that week until they are able to choose a new one!


Week 5 (10/02-10/06)

Science Center

This week students have started a new Science center! They are making observations of different objects and trying to figure out what they are!



Week 6 (10/09-10/13)


Yay! We got a new class pet turtle named turtle! The students LOVE this new addition to the classroom and are very excited to learn more about turtles and about Cooper in the next few weeks.



Week 7 (10/16-10/20)

Lesson Week

This week I got to teach a few of my own lessons and what we learned in Science is definitely worth sharing! We talked about what Cooper needs to survive and then I got to show pictures of my own pet to the class: my guinea pig Reese!. After talking about what our pets needs to live (Food, Water, Air, Shelter/Habitat), we illustrated our own animals and made sure they had everything that they needed to live!  

Week 8 (10/23-10/27)

30 Days of Perfect Attendance!

On Monday, the class reached 30 days of perfect attendance which is the highest in the school right now! To celebrate, the students were served rootbeer, orange and grape floats and got to watch a short Halloween movie! We had a ton of fun and can't wait to see what our next treat will be when we reach 40 days of perfect attendance!

Week 9 (10/30-11/03)

Our Spooky Halloween Story Using S consonant clusters

This week, we finished writing our class story about the spooky skeleton and the snake using words that have an s consonant cluster. We were so proud of our work and how well we worked together to write out story, we hung it out in the hallway for everyone to see!


Week 10 (11/06-11/10)

Thank you Read 4 fun!

Read 4 fun came to our classroom and read us a fun story that we loved called "Spoon". This book taught us that we are all unique and then we got to make our own spoons saying why we're unique and got to hang them on our door!


Week 11 (11/20-11/24)

What are you thankful for?

For Thanksgiving coming up this week, we made our own headbands with feathers that say what we are thankful for! We got to wear these together during our Thanksgiving feast and got to take them home so we could wear them with our families at Thanksgiving dinner! Here is my headband that I made!


Week 12 (11/27-12/01)

Nonfiction Writing

After learning and talking about all of the things needed in a nonfiction book (table of contents, facts, headings, etc.), we wrote our own as a class about how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Then we wrote our own nonfiction books about something we know at least 5 facts about! Some friends wrote "How To" books while other friends wrote facts about themselves, or facts about the things they love like Pokemon!

Week 13 (12/04-12/08)

Unit Week

This week, for Writer's Workshop, students wrote their own Christmas carols. This is Phillip's finished carol before getting ready to publish it on the computer!

Week 14 (12/11-12/15)

Caroling Candles

On the last week of school before break, students are going to carol for other classes in the school using the Christmas carols we read and studied all last week. To be like our friends in Australia, we are going to carol by candle light. To do this, we made our own candles!