Why is My Verizon Hotspot Not Working? How to Fix?

If your Verizon hotspot not working then this is the apt blog for you where you will get to find the ways using which you will be able to get rid of the issues with your Verizon hotspot. 

Here in this blog, we will provide you with reasons as well as fixes that might help you in resolving this error which you are dealing with. 

Reasons Why Verizon Mobile Hotspot is Not Working for you

There might be some issues with the phone carrier, or with the signal strength causing this problem for you. 

The settings of the Verizon hotspot might be incorrect or the power-saving mode of your device might be on as well.

Verizon Hotspot Not Working – Here is How to Fix it 


  1. The first way to fix this way is to restart the mobile device which you are using as restarting the device will fix the minor bugs eventually fixing Verizon internet is not working error. 
  2. The second way you can try is to check if you have run out of bandwidth with the help of the steps provided here – 
  3. Open settings and press on connections, after which tap on mobile hotspot and tethering. 
  4. Now click on the mobile hotspot and go to configure and click on wifi hotspot lastly click on AP band and then on 2.4 GHz.
  5. You also have to check if you reside in the coverage area where there is a network or not or you can also see if the network and SIM settings of your device are to the point or not. 
  6. You can also try to turn on the airplane mode and after a few seconds, you can turn it off and see if you are able to get the network to fix verizon mobile hotspot error on the mobile device you are using.

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