Second Grade

Please make sure that your child is reading at least 2 AR books per week, taking 2 assessments weekly and receiving a minimum of 70% or higher on the assessments. I will be sending home a progress report of their  AR assessment scores EVERY Tuesday for you to review. I ask that you please sign and return it the following day.



We will be reading the Genre of Realistic Fiction,  Around the Pond: Who's Been There? . We will be focusing on categorizing and Classification. In addition, we will be learning about antonyms, words with multiple meanings, expressive words, words with double consonants and how to end sentences with an exclamation point!! 



We will be working on recalling basic addition and related subtraction facts. 



This week we will be focusing on different ECOSYSTEMS. I will be sending home  the guidelines for a project to be completed and brought in by Friday November 12, 2010.

* If you are in need of  any materials in order to complete the project please come and see me.


Social Science:

This week we will be focusing on  learning skills on how to resolve conflicts and practice conflict resolution strategies through role play.