Are there any additional accessories or features available for the Chair Genius massage chair

One popular accessory for the Chair Genius massage chair is the heating pad. Heating pads are often used to provide additional warmth and comfort to sore muscles, helping to increase circulation and relax tense areas. They can be particularly helpful for those with chronic pain conditions, such as arthritis or fibromyalgia.

The Chair Genius massage chair offers a variety of heating options, including heat therapy for the lumbar region and the feet. This can be especially beneficial for those who spend a lot of time on their feet or have lower back pain. Some models also offer full-body heat therapy, which can provide a truly immersive and relaxing experience.

Built-in Speakers

Another popular feature available for the Chair Genius massage chair is built-in speakers. Many people enjoy listening to music or guided meditations while they receive their massage, and built-in speakers allow them to do so without the need for separate speakers or headphones.

Some models of the Chair Genius massage chair offer Bluetooth connectivity, allowing you to easily connect your smartphone or other device and stream your favorite music or podcasts. This can help create a truly immersive and relaxing experience, allowing you to fully unwind and enjoy the benefits of massage therapy.

Memory Foam Padding

While not technically an accessory, many Chair Genius massage chairs come with memory foam padding as a standard feature. Memory foam is a highly supportive and comfortable material that molds to the contours of your body, providing a custom-fit experience that can help reduce pressure points and improve circulation.

Memory foam padding can be particularly helpful for those with back or joint pain, as it helps distribute your weight more evenly and reduces the strain on your muscles and joints. It can also help promote good posture and reduce the risk of developing pressure sores or other skin irritations.

Airbags and Compression Therapy

In addition to massage rollers and heat therapy, many Chair Genius massage chairs also offer airbags and compression therapy. These features use air pressure to gently squeeze and release different parts of your body, providing a soothing and therapeutic massage experience.

Airbags and compression therapy can be particularly helpful for those with circulation issues or lymphedema, as they help stimulate blood flow and reduce swelling. They can also be used to target specific areas of the body, such as the arms or legs, for a more focused massage experience.


While the Chair Genius massage chair offers a wide Best massage chair under $500 benefits on its own, there are a variety of additional accessories and features available to help you customize your massage experience. From heating pads and built-in speakers to memory foam padding and compression therapy, there are a variety of options available to help you get the most out of your massage chair and enjoy all the benefits of massage therapy in the comfort of your own home.